Falling into a literal dark pit was the last thing I expected for my death. I always saw death as a horrifying, tragic event that leaves you begging for mercy but many times we are never given any. But my death? This was laughable. Many lost their lives from what they couldn't control, but I was my own predator, scheming away ways that could potentially lead to my demise.
I've even lost all those I love, Lily and um...love is a strong word for Zion. Don't get me wrong, he's annoying and makes me want to pull my hair out but...he was always there. And Lily, she loved having me around but never saw me as anything more. Yet, she took her time to understand me. But...I ruined everything all because of my greed and lust.
None of that mattered anymore. I was the reason everything shattered. I was the reason Mr. Alfred...
As I fall further into my doom, I can't help but smile. I was cause of this mess. Who in their right mind drowns someone in a river called Bloodwater Creek? That's completely idiotic.
My chest felt tight like someone was squeezing the life out of me. Maybe death was waiting until my body would finally give up.
The air around me made it harder to breathe, my throat became dry from the lack of moisture in the atmosphere.
In a blink of an eye, I saw pictures hanging on a purple wall.
I gasped, my body jerking upright. My hands gripped soft fabric...sheets? I was lying in a bed. A bed?
As I was still startled, I quickly got up. Something was snuggled above me which led to me tumbling back onto the mattress. I stared at the ceiling. I wasn't in the pit anymore and I certainly wasn't falling.
There was a bang on my door then two adults burst into the bedroom.
"Lily are you okay?" A woman asked out of concern.
That's when I realized something, this woman and this man standing before me weren't just random adults. This woman had blonde hair and emerald eyes made it impossible to look away and all her focus was on me.
On the other hand, the man approached me with trembling hands and checked my temperature.
My breath almost stopped.
I was falling into an endless void a while ago, so...how could I be staring into the eyes of Lily's mother and father?
"Lily, are you alright? You scared us half to death!" her mother exclaimed, kneeling beside the bed. She then tucked a blonde strand behind her ear.
"Sorry mum," I nervously giggled, trying my best to act exactly like Lily.
I wanted to let them know that I was a killer, I slaughtered their beloved daughter and...I didn't deserve to be in their home. But they looked so happy to see me. Would it hurt if I simply played along? I'm doing them a favor by not telling them the truth while also having parents who love me.
Maybe the curse of Bloodwater Creek isn't so bad.
"Your boyfriend found you unconscious in FreshCo Supermarket," her father said, "I told your mother you shouldn't be wandering alone when you had some issues in the past."
Wait...I wasn't unconscious...I remember quite clearly that Mr. Alfred got ripped limb by limb and I fell into a dark pit and here I am with these nice people.
Also what problems? What problems did Lily have? I played with my hands out of confusion. And did he say boyfriend? Lily kissed that bastard, but I didn't think they would be dating for so long.
"Heh sorry something fell from one of the shelves," I lied.
"Oh my poor baby," mother cried, pulling me close to her.
She was so loving, so sweet that it almost made me gag. She treated me like I was her daughter but had no idea who I really was.
"I knew it! That supermarket is such a hazard, who knows what would have happened if Caleb didn't bring you home," her father grumbled, "Why I ought to sue them all!"
They kept talking about the incident but my mind began to zone out.
Caleb? That's my name...
Suddenly a knock was on the door.
"Hi is Lily ok?" a familiar voice asked.
My jaw dropped. Was I...replaced?
The door creaked open just enough for my muscular self to slip in, its eyes lingering on me longer than a second. I saw myself with a worried face approaching me.
It was as if my skin was a costume someone else decided to wear.
"My love?" he asked, his fingers brushing against my skin.
My voice sounded foreign to my ears and it felt so wrong that I felt sick to my stomach.
"Babe I'm fine," I said, smiling sheepishly.
"We'll leave you two alone," Lily's mother giggled, dragging her husband outside Lily's bedroom.
I gulped my saliva.
I didn't want to be alone...not with myself.
He looked around the bedroom, surprised.
The purple walls were decorated with posters of bands I didn't recognize. A desk sat in a corner, covered with notebooks and pens. Clothes were thrown across the floor, some hanging out of the closet.
"Nice room you've got here," he muttered.
"So, ughhh how long have we been together," I asked shakily.
His eyes remained fixated on the posters.
"I can't remember," He mumbled.
Now, this was just stupid. This world made me a wuss, and I wasn't going to let it make fun of me any longer.
"What do you mean you can't remember?" I repeated.
If I was with Lily I would be able to recall every single detail about our relationship from the top of my head.
"I need some time to think," He said, his voice softer now.
This was bullshit. There was no way in any universe I was letting myself talk like that to Lily. Not when I am sober or drunk.
I slapped him across his face.
"That's not how you talk to your girlfriend," I shouted.
That's when he chuckled. My own self was laughing at me. Is this what women loved? Me...?
His lips curled into a smirk that only made my blood boil.
"Ah, Lily," he said slowly, "Why the sassy attitude?"
"I'm being sassy?" I mocked, "You don't even know how we met and now you're acting like I'm a lunatic!"
"I know you're stressed but we'll talk about this later," he said dismissively.
Was he really speaking to me like I was bothering him?
"Do you not understand the hell I'm living in?" I asked.
But he just looked at me annoyed.
My hands clenched into fists, my nails digging into my palms.
"Stop being dramatic," he muttered, "I'm the one living in this hell."
"Oh I get it! You're full of yourself!" I laughed loudly.
He scoffed. "I'm glad you're better Lily but I'm going now or my dad would be worried."
Immediately I calmed down. My dad...how was he? Was he still addicted to alcohol in this world?
"How's your father?" I asked.
"He's aggressive I'll tell you that," He chuckled.
I could see on his face he was getting frustrated so I decided that if I ever see myself again, I'll love to know how my father is. It's not like I miss him or anything and it's not like he's my father in this world, so who cares if I ask a billion of questions?
"See you later babe."
I never thought I was a literal piece of shit but I guess it was good to know.
"Yeah, yeah bye."
I was then alone in this bedroom. A bedroom is a place where we keep our darkest secrets to ourselves. And my darkest secret? Heh...I don't kiss and tell.
I twirled a strand of hair around my finger. I must say I'm much of a pretty boy but...I'm not letting no one, not even myself talk to me that way.
I opened one of Lily's drawers and applied her cherry lipgloss onto my lips. Damn I sure did look hot.
A beauty this stunning needed a camera to embrace it. I switched on my phone and took some cute pouty selfies.
It sure was a bummer that Lily was more the modest type. She would look ten times hotter if she acted like a crackhead.
What can I say? I have a type. Don't judge me.
I grabbed my own waist and blushed but quickly collected myself.
I wanted to hug Lily so bad and wrap my arms around her waist but I was her and I wanted to be with her but this wasn't how I wanted it to go.
And to make matters worse, I'm replaced and this bastard who calls himself...me has the nerves to disrespect me or Lily?
Ugh this is really confusing right now I can't stand this anymore.
I dived onto the mattress and snatched the sleeping mask from the dressing table and placed it onto my face.
You know what they say about hotties. You got to get that beauty sleep to get rid of that stress or you'll scare the cute boys away.
For now I'm the new Lily and if those cute guys think I'm going to let them get up in my coochie then they're fucking wrong baby.
There's a new bad bitch in town!