Chapter 22: EP 1: An Angel's Homecoming Part 3.

Luz's eyes shone as she dared to hope; "D-Does that mean you're going to let me stay in the Demon Realm!?"

Camila slowly nodded; "I am."

Her daughter could scarcely believe it; "R-Really!? But why!? I thought you would never agree!"

Camila sighed; "The truth is, I understand how you feel more than you think. I told you before that I left the Divine Realm to become a Missionary Angel as soon as I turned 18, in part so I could find love, right?"

"Yeah! So was you wanting to come to the Human Realm like me wanting to go to the Demon Realm?" Luz said.

Camila closed her eyes wistfully; "It's very similar. Scarily similar in some regards… but first, I need to confess that I mislead you about some details."

Luz blinked; "You lied?"

"I wouldn't say I lied… more like I, misrepresented some details." Camila said with a slight grimace.

Eda crossed her arms and smirked; "That's a fancy way of saying you said a whole bunch of technically true stuff so that Luz would come to the wrong conclusion."

"You're not wrong." Camila admitted, making the Owl Lady laugh.

"Ha! You Noceda Angels are more cunning than I thought! Luz pulled the same trick a few times!" Eda said with amusement.

Camila and Luz both enjoyed the comparison and compliment, then Camila said; "The truth is that I didn't apply to become a Missionary Angel at all; like you Luz, I ran away. The people I cared about in my old home were doing "what was best for me", but it wasn't what I wanted, so I fled. I'm technically not supposed to be in the Human Realm, but the Divine Realm has no interest in dragging back an angel who isn't causing trouble."

Luz was shocked; her Mami had run away from home!? "What happened?" Luz asked.

"It began in my childhood." Camila began; "Ever since I was young, I had a fascination with the Human Realm and its society, not unlike Gus there." she said, nodding to the Illusionist, "We had plenty of Human Realm literature in the Divine Realm, meant to prepare Missionaries, and I read everything I could get my hands on. But as I read, I became more and more disillusioned with the Divine Realm. I resented being born into my role in life, while humans got to choose. I resented being expected to serve my purpose like a machine and not a person. I resented not having a real family; only caretakers and my fellow Cherubs. I began to resent just about everything, especially as my friends and the carers at Crest Chastity began to see me as a weirdo."

"Like me…!" Luz whispered.

Camila nodded sombrely; "Just like you. I didn't fit in, and I wasn't understood. I went against the grain, and quickly found the friends I had keeping their distance. The carers, the closest things to parents I had, became obsessed with "fixing" me. They thought it was what was best for me… and I resisted and resented them all the way until I'd begun my maturity. I expressed interest in becoming a Missionary Angel, but I was specifically born to fill a position within Crest Kindness, and they didn't want me to go. They eventually agreed to let me go if, as soon as I completed my maturity, I agreed to have a child of my own to replace me in Crest Kindness."

That revelation was met with horrified gasps and looks of disgust from all but Rasiel, who instead looked away in shame. That part of angelic society had existed in his time too, and he'd honestly never questioned it… at least until now, where he could see the distress it was causing his new friends and allies.

"That's awful! Being told you've got to bear a kid just to take your place!? That's actually worse than Belos' creepy coven obsession!" Eda exclaimed.

"I agree. I told them I would never agree to it, and I found myself being pressured on all sides. We have to give our consent to be partnered with another angel to create a child, but those who refuse were often shamed. I was no different." the angel woman said. "I was being pressured to change and be part of a world I didn't fit in to, while I had no support from the people who were supposed to care for me. So naturally, I decided to run away. I snuck out in the dead of night and used one of the Divine Realm's portals to the Human Realm, and made a new life for myself here."

Luz felt her heart go out to her mother; she truly understood what she was going through. Camila actually became a bit teary eyed as she continued; "I went through all of that, and yet I very nearly did the exact same things to you as was done to me. I tried to change you, telling myself it was for your own good… sure, I actually had your happiness in mind rather than the good of our people as a whole, and I tried to be supportive, but that didn't change the fact that I did something that hurt you, and ignored what it was you truly wanted while pretending that what I wanted for you was what you wanted for yourself. I genuinely fooled myself into believing that I was doing what was right… but I wasn't. I repeated the same mistakes my friends and carers in the Divine Realm did, and it ended in the same way; with my daughter running away to another realm with no wish to come back home."

"Mami…" Luz said softly as her mother wiped away a tear, "You aren't like the people you grew up with at all. I never once doubted that you loved me, or wanted what was best for me. I was hurt when you sent me away to camp, even though I understood why, but one thing I never wanted was for you to be anything but a big part of my life. You're my Mami; I just want you to be proud of me."

"Oh Mija…" Camila embraced her; "I am proud of you. More proud than you could ever imagine… and not just because you've made wonderful friends and become an Arch-Angel; but because you are you. The person you've grown into, and the person you've always been… they are people I can be proud of. I was just too much of a fool to realise it." she sniffled and added; "I forgot about the Astral Oath."

Luz and her friends exchanged confused looks, including Rasiel, to whom Willow asked; "Is that an angel thing?"

Rasiel shrugged helplessly, making Camila giggle and answer; "It's a human thing, dear. Just like Luz and Amity have their love of the Good Witch Azura, I grew up with a human sci-fi series called Cosmic Frontier. The Crest Chastity Library had a full set for studying human beliefs in preparation for Missionary work. I fell in love with them, and bought a full set of my own at the first opportunity. In fact, Cosmic Frontier is one of the things that your father and I first bonded over." Camila smiled at the memory.

"Just like those two love birds and Good Witch Azura!" King grinned, pointing to an entranced Luz and a blushing Amity.

"That's right! The Astral Oath is a promise made between one of the characters, Captain Avery, and his family; to love and protect each other just as they are, through supernovas and solar winds!" Camila declared.

Gus's eyes grew wide with excitement while the rest of Luz's friends looked on in amazement, and Luz's smile became so huge it almost hurt her cheeks; "Mami, you're a secret nerd!?"

"I am, and proud of it! I hid that part of myself from you, because I was afraid you'd hide away in a fantasy world just like I did. I had a hard time growing up…" Camila raised a hand to Luz's cheek and began to stroke it gently; "I was afraid you would to, and my lack of understanding as to why resulted in my biggest mistake; trying to protect you by changing you. By trying to turn this beautiful, good angel into something she wasn't."

Luz's eyes began to overflow; "M-Mami…!"

Camila pulled Luz closer and kissed her forehead; "I refuse to stand in your way, Mija. You have found your own place in life, and as your mother, it is my duty to stand beside you and help you. To let you make your own mistakes and have your own triumphs. I won't pretend I'm completely comfortable with all this, but I refuse to make the same mistakes as my predecessors any more. You will always be Luz Noceda, my little cherub. But you're more than that too… so show me Luz. Show me who you've become."

At Camila's urgings, Luz stood up and looked around at everyone with her. Her Mami and Mom; the two women who'd looked after her and loved her even with all the trouble she'd caused them both. King and Vee; the little brother and (potentially) little sister who she'd never expected to have but now couldn't see a life without them. Willow and Gus, her first friends her own age and two of the most incredible people she'd ever met, who loved and relied on her as much as she loved and relied on them. Rasiel, the angel she'd saved and who had shown her another side of her people, and had taught her so much, including the magic that had saved Eda's life, and helped Eda, Raine, Lilith, and Vee live their lives comfortably. And of course, Amity; the girl that had stolen Luz's heart and given her own in its place… the beautiful, perfect good witch that Luz still had trouble believing could possibly love her as much as Amity clearly did.

These were her people, as were the friends she'd left in the Demon Realm; Skara, Mattholomule, Raine, Hooty, Edric and Emira, Jerbo, Viney, and Barcus… and so many more. Perhaps even Boscha and Lilith, if they could keep moving past their differences. Her Mami had given her blessing; Luz didn't have to lose any of the people she loved… so she would show her Mami how amazing the angel she'd raised could be!

With a bright smile, Luz summoned her six Arch-Angel wings and spread them wide, and even summoned her Witch's Wool cloak in order to transform her clothing into her Holy Raiment, revealing her full Arch-Angel glory; "I am Luz Noceda-Clawthorne! Daughter of Camila and Manny Noceda, and Eda Clawthorne. Sister to King Clawthorne-Noceda and Vee Noceda! And Arch-Angel of the Boiling Isles!" she declared, her four glyph markings glowing in their signature colours.

Her family and friends all smiled at her, showing their pride in her as their daughter, sister, girlfriend, and dear friend. Vee especially felt touched to be included as Luz's sister, especially considering their relationship was so new! Camila stood up and summoned her own wings with a smile.

"Well met, Arch-Angel of the Boiling Isles." she greeted formally, before giggling and ruffling Luz's hair; "I'd read about your ascension in your diary, but seeing it really is a very different experience… I'm so proud of you, Mija."

"Thank you, Mami! For accepting me and my decision, even though I know it must be hard for you." Luz beamed.

"It's what any parent should do. However, my agreement doesn't come without conditions; I have three that you need to stick to if you really want to stay in the Demon Realm." Camila said, letting a bit of seriousness enter her voice.

Luz looked nervous for a moment, but nodded all the same; "I'll do anything."

Camila smiled and held up her hand, extending one finger; "First, while you can live with Eda and King at the Owl House MOST of the time, I want you back here on the weekends, alright? You can bring your friends along for visits or sleepovers, and that includes Eda and King too, but I want you to live here at those times, alright? This house is your home too, even if the Human Realm as a whole isn't."

Luz nodded eagerly; visiting her Mami every weekend was no hardship! Heck, she'd have wanted to do that anyway, and the fact her new family and friends were invited too just made it better. Camila wasn't done though; "As an extension of that, I also want you to come home for human holidays, and half of any school vacations you get, okay? Again, your friends are welcome to join us."

"Of course! That's not a problem at all!" Luz agreed immediately.

"You and Vee are welcome to come and visit or even stay at my place any time you want too." Eda graciously offered; "We're all one big happy family now after all!"

Camila smiled at the offer, but the look in her eye and Vee's expression made it clear that wasn't likely to happen any time soon; "Thank you Eda, but I don't think I'm ready to go to the Demon Realm. I still have my own hang ups with the place, even if Luz insists it's wonderful. I also don't think Vee is ready to go back yet and I don't want to leave her here alone."

Vee nodded gratefully, and Eda just shrugged; "That's cool. The offer's open though!"

Camila nodded, then looked back to Luz and held up a second finger; "My second condition is related to your school work; while you obviously won't be attending Gravesfield High any more, I still want you to take your education seriously. I want to see any report cards or grades you get from Hexside, and I will put you on restriction if I think your work is slipping. Whichever world you want to live in, you need to make sure you do your best!"

That was another easy request; Luz loved learning about magic and all manner of other subjects at Hexside, and while she was middling in her construction track classes (not for lack of trying), she was in the top half of the class in the beast-keeping track and only behind Skara when it came to the bard track!

"I'll work super hard! Most of my friends are in the tops of their classes, and I work hard with Eda in my apprenticeship too, so my grades are pretty good!" Luz agreed.

"Good job, Mija! Though that reminds me, I'll need to withdraw you from Gravesfield High, so they don't question your absence…"

Vee piped up; "Actually, why don't I just go in her place? I want to go to school too, and my Cabin Seven friends all go there! Plus they all think I'm Luz anyway."

Camila thought about it for a moment, then nodded; "Okay Cariño, you can attend in Luz's place. But if it's not too much trouble, I'd like you in either your true form or your new disguise when at home. I want you to get comfortable being yourself around me."

The young Basilisk nodded happily, and Camila turned to Luz with her final condition; "My last condition is likely going to be the one you'll have the most trouble with, but it is also the most important. The one that I need you to promise to agree to before I let you stay in the Demon Realm."

Luz gulped and braced herself as she saw her mother's expression turn deadly serious; "You are to stay away from Emperor Belos." she ordered.

The young angel blinked in surprise, as did her friends and extended family. Camila was quick to explain herself; "I know you're a part of this cat group that is working against his tyranny, and I'm not asking you to quit it, mostly because I don't think you'd be able to help yourself, but I've read what Belos did to you, and how close the fight between you and him was even after you ascended."

"Believe me, I don't really want to go near him." Luz said, shuddering at the thought of the corrupted angel.

"Maybe not, but I know you would if you felt you had to. I know you're strong now, stronger than even me and most witches and demons, but Belos was a match for you as well as being far older, more experienced, and crueller. I won't wrap you in bubble wrap and forbid you from fighting with these cat people, but I cannot risk you against someone like him. So please; promise me you won't go near him unless you absolutely have no choice, and that you'll choose to flee instead of fight if he should come looking for you."

Luz could practically feel the fear and worry radiating off of her mother; "Promise me, Luz. I can't bear to lose another member of my family." Camila practically begged.

"I promise, Mami. Unless it is absolutely necessary to save a life, I won't go near Belos and will run away if he comes after me. I'll make an Everlasting Oath if I have to." Luz said seriously.

Camila clearly thought about it for a second, before shaking her head; "I won't bind you to your word Luz; I trust you. And since you agreed to my conditions, you officially have my blessing to live in the Demon Realm. Just be sure to mind your Mom, and maybe don't emulate too many of her chaotic aspects…" she said, adding that last part as a joke.

Rasiel and the kids all giggled as Eda huffed playfully; "Oh trust me sister, you haven't seen my chaotic side yet! I've been on my best behaviour today!"

"I've read Luz's diary, remember? I know exactly what kind of antics you get up to!" Camila smirked, "But still, you loved and accepted Luz, and welcomed her into your home, even with the rough beginnings. So thank you, Eda. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."

Eda smiled, touched by Camila's acceptance and blessing. The angel then turned to the rest of Luz's friends and said; "And thank you all for being such wonderful friends, and helping my daughter as much as she's helped you. My Luz can be a bit of handful, especially when she gets excited and carried away, but she's a good girl. Please continue to take care of her for me."

"Of course! Luz may be a magnet for trouble, but she's worth it!" Willow said, making Luz smile bashfully.

"Yeah! I mean, I got to visit the actual Human Realm thanks to her! And she takes care of us too!" Gus agreed.

"I owe her much. I'll protect her as best I can to repay that debt. Though I'm limited without my magic…" Rasiel said.

"I'll kick anyone's butt if they mess with my Big Sister! I may not be the King of Demons, but I AM the King of Brothers!" King declared grandly.

Amity nodded nervously, then said; "I love her, so of course I'll take care of her! A-Actually, Mrs Noceda, I've been meaning to ask… may I have permission to court your daughter?"

Amity had been working up the courage to ask that since arriving, but she'd never found the right moment. Asking permission to "court" someone was usually only done among the really elite families (since such things could interfere with family rivalries/partnerships), but Amity also saw it as a show of respect to the woman who'd given birth to the love of her life.

Luz squeaked and blushed adorably, while everyone else grinned. Camila forced herself not to giggle in case she embarrassed Amity, then nodded; "Of course, Amity. You make my little girl very happy, and that's all I care about!"

Amity looked delighted and promptly pulled Luz over to her so she could hug the blushing girl. Luz sighed dreamily; "How chivalrous, Hermosa!"

The young angel and her Blight girlfriend both blushed and smiled as their friends looked on. Vee giggled at their cute antics; "You two really are lovey-dovey!" she said teasingly.

Camila grinned slyly and said "Should I invite Masha over for dinner, Vee?" in a sing-song voice.

Vee promptly shut her mouth with an embarrassed blush, while Luz grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Oh ho! Does Vee have a crush? That's adorable!"

"N-No fair! You can't turn my teasing back on me!" Vee pouted.

"We're going to be sisters now! Teasing is part of the fun! Right Mom, Amity?" Luz grinned, asking the only other people in the room who were sisters.

Amity rolled her eyes; "If Emira is anything to go by, yes."

"Oh heck yeah! I basically tease Lilith instead of making her pay rent!" Eda laughed.

Everyone laughed together, all signs of the earlier tension and sadness having melted away. They began to chat about more casual topics, with Camila getting to know Luz's friends more, while Luz happily showed Vee some of the cool stuff in her room, giving her permission to play with all of it, so long as she was careful and didn't save over her save files in her video games. As afternoon stretched into evening, Camila invited everyone to stay for dinner and when they agreed, she roped everyone into helping her cook some Divine Realm AND Human Realm dishes, with the latter being recipes from the Dominican Republic.

"Luz's Papi, Manny, was a Dominican-American. He taught me his culture when I first came to this world." Camila explained as they worked; "The Angels of Crest Kindness have many similar traits to humans of Hispanic or Latino descent; Luz and I are even lactose intolerant like many people from those cultures, so Manny said I was basically a Latina whose soul "got lost and was reborn as an angel"! He was a romantic like that."

Camila told many stories about her experiences in the Human Realm, which Gus found enthralling, and with everyone working together, they'd made quite a feast! The Human Realm dishes went down very well with the Demon Realm folk, while the Divine Realm dishes were a bit… controversial with them. Angels were capable of eating most of the same things as Demons and Witches, but they could also eat the crystalline vegetation of their own realm, as well as meat and animal products from several species of beasts that didn't exist in the Demon Realm. Camila didn't have access to the animal products, but with her own plant magic and Luz's to help, she could grow a lot of vegetables and fruit for the Demon Realm folk to try… with mixed results. Emerillo Pie (emerillos being green, apple-like fruits that looked like jewels) went down very well, but the Zircumber Carpaccio (zircumbers being dark brown, banana-like vegetables) was too bitter for any but an angel's tongue. Poor Rasiel was almost in tears as he ate the dishes from his homeland for the first time in 100,000 years, and seeing his pure happiness more than made up for the others not being a fan (especially since they all insisted on giving their portions to him since he loved it so much).

After dinner and the dishes were done, and it began to get dark out, it was finally decided that it was time for Luz and the others to return to the Demon Realm. Camila kindly packed the leftovers of their feast (they'd really made more than they could eat) into some containers and let Luz and Rasiel take them, then she and Vee walked with them all the way to the abandoned house.

"This is the portal to the Demon Realm?" Camila asked, staring at the old house with a strange expression on her face.

"You got it!" Eda said, pulling out the Portal Key and pressing the eye, causing the abandoned house's doorway to be filled with light, before revealing the Owl House's empty living room.

"How bizarre…" Camila muttered, before shaking that thought off and turning to Luz. "Before you go, I have something I want to teach you quickly."

Luz's pointy ears wiggled excitedly; "Ooh, I can finally learn something magical from Mami! What is it!?"

"It's a little trick to make things a little easier for you, regarding your wings." Camila said, summoning her wings. Luz did the same, and once again Camila felt mildly stunned by the sight of the six, glorious and shining wings.

"Beautiful… Now, the trick is to focus all your magic into your wings, then compress it while drawing a spell circle. If you've done it right, your wings will feel tight. Then just release the circle and cast the spell." Camila said, demonstrating.

Luz took a couple of tries to get the feeling down, but once she had it and she nodded to her Mami to signal that, both Noceda Angels released their circles and cast their spells. The others watched with fascination as their wings began to glow brightly, then shrink down. Camila's wings shrank to the size of Cherub Wings, and Luz's did the same, only becoming a little group of six fluffy wings.

"My wings are tiny now!" Luz gasped, flapping them. They still moved like normal, but she could no longer fly, and they were much smaller. They were also much softer though, and Amity immediately rubbed her face against them as she purred contently.

Camila giggled at the girls' antics, then explained; "In the Divine Realm, its considered poor form to hide your wings. So to keep them from getting in the way, especially for those with multiple sets, they developed a spell to shrink them. You won't be able to fly, and the amount of energy you can absorb and convert into magic is reduced, but you'll still be able to gather some energy, unlike if your wings were hidden. Since the Demon Realm knows what you are now, I think it would be safer for you to be always gathering energy."

Luz nodded with enthusiasm; "This will definitely be useful! Thank you Mami! How do I reverse it?"

"You're welcome, Mija. You can reverse the spell by simply "releasing" your wings, similar to when you take them out after concealing them." Camila said, before her own wings suddenly grew back to full size.

Luz tried it and her wings returned to normal, making Amity splutter as her face was suddenly filled with feathers since she hadn't released her hug. Luz giggled, then once again thanked her Mami for the lesson.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye until next weekend!" Luz said with a sad smile.

Camila nodded, also smiling sadly. She embraced Luz tightly, and both had a few lingering tears in the corners of their eyes; "Be safe, Mija. Do your best, and be good. That's all I can ask for."

"I will, Mami." Luz nodded, "Take care of yourself. As long as I'm near the Portal Door or the Key, I should be able to text you still, so I'll let you know if anything big happens!" she then looked to Vee; "I'll text you too! You won a phone at camp, so you might as well use it!"

Vee nodded, having exchanged phone numbers with Luz at dinner. "Thanks Luz. For everything; when you came home, I never imagined I'd get to keep living with Mama. I'm looking forward to getting to know you even more!"

"It's been nice meeting you both. Don't worry about Luz; I'll make sure she's well taken care of and if there are any problems, I'll be sure to let you know." Eda promised, playing up her limited responsible side.

Camila smiled, and she and Vee exchanged short farewells with the rest of Luz's friends. King even called her "Tia Cammie", which made the angel squeal with delight and hug the daylights out of the little Titan. Finally, they all stepped through the portal, with Luz being the last one through, waving with a tearful smile as she closed the door.

On one side of the portal, Camila stared at the closed door of the abandoned house for a long moment, before turning to Vee and taking her hand; "Let's go home, Vee." The little Basilisk nodded, and the two returned to their home, already anticipating Luz's return next weekend.

On the other side of the portal, Luz watched with a whole tangle of conflicting feelings in her chest as the Portal Door folded up and disappeared to wherever Eda liked to hide it when it wasn't in use. She sighed; she'd gotten what she'd wanted, which was the best result she could ever ask for, but it had still taken an emotional toll on her.

"Hey Kiddo. You okay?" Eda asked, rubbing Luz's back.

Luz nodded; "Yeah, I'm good. Just got a lot on my mind; Mami is putting a lot of trust in me, so I don't want to let her down."

"You won't, I know it." Eda said, reaching up to her shoulder to pet a sleepy King. "Now where did Raine and Lilith get to?"

The Owl House seemed deserted, with even Hooty not reacting to their return. Luz's friends were already looking around the house for signs of the others, but they found nothing.

"They're not upstairs." Amity said.

"Or in the basement." Willow added.

"Or the kitchen either." Gus finished, "Though there's half-eaten food on the table, and its still warm. They must have only just left."

"If they left during a meal, something important must have happened." Rasiel frowned.

Eda and Luz exchanged frowns and headed to the front door. There was no hole in it, so Hooty was still present even if he hadn't come to greet them yet. Eda threw open the front door and discovered Hooty had extended himself out into the front yard, where he now hovered between Lilith and Raine.

"There you guys are! We were worried for a… moment…" Eda said, trailing off as she noticed the rest of the scene in the front yard. Luz and her friends came out to join her, and paled at what they saw.

Raine was wielding their violin, while Lilith was brandishing her staff as they faced down with two very unexpected and unwelcome guests; Darius Deamonne and Eberwolf the Huntsman, the Heads of the Abomination and Beast-Keeping Covens.

Both were powerful witches, and both were prepared for battle.


Jacob Hopkins, Curator of the Gravesfield Historical Society, returned to his office after a dull day watching over his new domain. It had taken a lot of convincing to get himself his current position, but it was imperative for him to be surrounded by the evidence of Gravesfield's glorious witch-hunting past in order to uncover the truth of the Witches and Demons he knew still lingered in town!

He sat down at his computer with a mug of coffee and pulled up his camera feeds, which were pointed at many of the snare traps he'd left around Gravesfield. Sadly he couldn't afford to put a camera with every trap, but he'd made sure to place them in the spots he was certain Demons would most likely frequent!

Taking a sip of his coffee, he began to fast forward through the day's footage, until he saw something unusual that made him stop and focus on just one of his camera feeds. It was the one inside the abandoned house that he was sure was some kind of doorway to Mars! He'd been meaning to put a camera outside it, but hadn't gotten around to it yet and instead just had one in the living room.

The footage showed a girl run inside, looking panicked and upset. Jacob hummed as he vaguely recognised the girl; it was the Noceda kid. She and her mother were on his radar, as during his "reconnaissance" in town, he'd noticed a few odd things happening around them. He leaned closer to the screen and watched as the Noceda kid kicked a rock in frustration, setting off his snare trap. Jacob almost felt sorry for her as she was ensnared and hit the ground hard, but his sympathy vanished as he saw the girl flail around and slowly shape shift into some kind of snake creature.

"I knew it! A real demon!" Jacob exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as he watched the footage. He was about ready to rush over to the house and catch his prey, but decided to make sure it wasn't a wasted trip by watching the rest of the footage.

That turned out to be a smart move, as he observed a SECOND Noceda girl walk into the house, this time with white hair and pointed ears. She freed the other one and used some kind of supernatural power to cover the place in grass. Sadly, Jacob had been forced to get cheaper cameras without an audio feed, so he had no idea what the two girls talked about, but he did observe the white haired one reveal her six angelic wings, and how she healed the snake creature, before lighting it on fire with some kind of white flame, that resulted in the creature shedding its skin and gaining wings!

Jacob stopped the footage soon after the two girls left, and sat back in his chair with a smile on his face. "Finally, I have proof! But what was all that… TWO of the Noceda kid, one demonic and one… angelic? No… an angel wouldn't help a demon." he muttered, before looking to his wall, on which was posted all his other evidence, including a picture of an owl-like beast that shared a face with an infamous vagabond named Marilyn, or as Jacob knew her; Eda.

"… not an angel. A Bird Demon! Well just you wait, demons! I'll expose you to the whole world!"