In the realm where the dark forest meets the misty moors, a forbidden love blossomed between two beings of opposite worlds. The Lycan Alpha Atlas, once raised as a slave, found solace and strength in the mystical presence of Elara, a young witch still waiting to discover her powers. Their union unknowingly catalyzes an ancient prophecy foretelling the collision of their worlds, a fateful event shrouded in uncertainty and danger. As their bond deepens, whispers of impending war echo through the enchanted woods, threatening to tear apart the fragile harmony they had found in each other's arms. With the world teetering on the brink of chaos, they know that their love holds the power to ignite war or bring about peace. Would they choose their forbidden love, risking the wrath of ancient forces and the potential for mass destruction? Or would they sacrifice their bond to save the world from chaos? The answer remained shrouded in the shadows, a secret known only to the stars above, leaving the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
I can't get enough, from the introduction of the lycan alpha to the plot and development so far. Some chapters end in cliffhangers, making you want to read more to find out what happens. Cant wait for more chapters to be released