The Black Wind (Kuroi Kaze)
In the war-torn Sengoku era, a 16-year-old boy named Kuroi sets out on a perilous journey to master the way of the sword. Driven by a deep yearning to rise above his humble beginnings, he traverses a world ravaged by conflict, where honor and survival are often at odds. Along the way, Kuroi encounters warriors, wanderers, and rogues, each shaping his path in unexpected ways.
As he struggles to find his place in a chaotic world, Kuroi discovers that the road to greatness is not just paved with skill and strength but with choices that test the very core of his humanity.
I like the edo period setting, and how it's like the actual feudal japan. 🙃I feel sad for Mc, he doesn't know who killed his father, hope he will find out soon.
I like the setting and writing. Interesting plot too
Good story, hope to see more chapters soon, also really good quality of your writing, it's interesting to read. Also, I like story for it's realism which is rare on webnovel.