
"Zoe Karen says, 'No, we're not going to kill them. Not yet. The nine elders... Zoe Loni has four of them on his side. I have four as well. That brings us to the first elder. He isn't on either side no matter what they offer him. That brings us to a standstill. But with your help, I will have the upper hand. And once I'm the family master, the elders on Zoe Loni's side are going to have to submit to the family master. If they don't, as I said, it's not too late to kill them.'

John says, 'Don't you think Zoe Loni can also do the same?'

Zoe Karen said smiling , 'Yes, probably. But I have already planted spies around him so I know how many people are on his side. And you are not the only one I have as well.'

She stands up from the table.

John thinks, 'So I'm not the only one. I don't really care about that.' He says, 'You're pretty smart. Just let me know when you need my help.' He releases his Qi. 'But if you go back on your word, you better prepare for death.'

Zoe Karen says, 'You don't have to worry yourself, Warrior Jo Lee. I won't.' She walked out of the room, thinking to herself, 'This man is really dangerous. I have to be careful around him.'

Once she felt John said to himself, 'I don't trust anything she said.' He says, 'Since I'm here, it's better to look for it myself. Such a big family. They must have a treasury. All I have to do is find it.'

He disappeared using his Shadow God technique, moving in the shadows. After a while, he went back to his room, saying to himself, 'I've been looking around for an hour but haven't found anything.' He lay down on the bed. 'I better get some sleep. I'm just going to look around again tomorrow.'

We see sunlight passing through the gaps in the window. Slowly opening his eyes, he woke up. He stood up and opened the window. He then walked out of his room. He walked out of the estate, walking in the bustling city full with people. He looks around and thinks to himself, 'These sect's disciples are everywhere.' He smiled, saying, 'I should probably find the disciple that is going to be my ticket into the secret realm.'

He soon reached an inn. He sat down and ordered something to eat. They brought him his food. He ate, thinking, 'This place is full of disciples from different sects. Which of them will be the one to get me into the secret realm?'

As he was thinking, he saw disciples from the Skyfall Sect, dressed in their distinctive robes, walking down from the rooms in the inn. He saw the Sect Leader's daughter, whose name is Lu Zoni, and Jo Lee, along with 10 others. John smiled, saying to himself, 'Here comes my ticket to the secret realm.'"