In the opulent chaos of Ordania, Bram, a desperate orphan, dreams of reaching the legendary Island of Genesis—a place where trials forge the powerful and the divine. Amid a sea of ambition and despair, a fateful encounter with a mysterious noble girl changes everything, pulling him into a journey that promises power, peril, and secrets beyond imagination.
Driven by a desire for power, Bram ventures to the Island of Genesis, where survival in its deadly trials promises unimaginable rewards.
This is my first time writing something so please bear with my mistakes and feel free to comment your thoughts
This is my first time writing a story i would like you guys to give me any form of criticism if you find my story lacking so i can improve.
Reveal Spoiler
The introduction and the pacing the storyline builds up is really good, it makes the reader feel more immersed and the foundation for the novel is pretty solid, I didnt find it boring nor did it seem like lazy writing. Even though it's relatively short It's still a wonderful Chapter. Keep them coming brother.