The anger in Pytra's face and tone was the kind I had never seen in her before . Her long dreadlocks were hanging in the air, almost as if they were alive.
She waved her right hand and in a blink, a powerful force dragged me out of the room. I could only hear the door behind me banged, sealing the room that contained the orbs of dreams.
Pytra said nothing to me, she only walked passed me, she didn't even care to look at me. She was furious at me for trespassing. It was then that I knew I should never had stepped into that room.
I waited for a time when I was sure she was a little calm, then I approached her. She was sitting alone outside the castle, watching the double headed birds singing.
I walked slowly and sat beside her. I sighed and said:
"I shouldn't have entered that room. I am sorry Pytra."
She looked at me and relied:
"The orbs of dreams are relics that should never be seen by a human Soul. Anyone that knows how to control them, would have the ability to turn the entire waking world upside down."
"That was never my intension." I said.
"I know Sol, but there is a temptation embedded in them, that, not even god level beings can resist."
Her words struck me with curiosity. [god level beings?] I thought.
"If so, then how are you in possession of them and you seem fine?" I asked.
"Ha! Tsk" She scuffed.
"Are you greater than the gods?" I asked again.
She took her gaze away from me to the sky. She took a deep breath and continued:
"Not all gods are wise Sol. Moreover, the guardian of the orbs only gave me this limited access to the orbs because I am Freda's daughter."
My eyes widened. "Freda's daughter?"
"Yes Freda's daughter." She simply answered.
I remained silence, devoid of words to speak. In my mind, I was wondering how Freda or her name comes up everywhere.
Pytra redirected her gaze to the double headed birds and continued:
"Freda… She had never given anything for free. When she does you a favour, she takes something big in return.
She once did a favour to Ohbaki the Guardian of the dream orbs, and she was rewarded with a limited access to the orbs. Ohbaki had no choice, when in her gratitude, she gave Freda the rarest chance to choose what favor she would want, and access to the orbs was Freda's choice.
She needed me to keep an eye on peoples dreams for her. The importance of which even now, I do not fully understand."
"Typical of witches." I commented.
"Freda is not a typical witch." She replied.
"So this dream orbs… Can I know more about them?" I asked.
"They are doorways to dreams." She simply answered.
That was all I needed to be sure of. An excitement suddenly rushed into me, and I thought of something.
I cleared my throat, wasn't sure she would agree but I still had to ask.
"Can I see his dreams?"
"No! You cannot see anyone's dream."
The moment she gave that answer, she got up and left me there. She seemed very protective of the dream orbs, but I needed to peep into the dreams of the man I once called brother. The man who took my life rather very untimely.
After a while, I began to hatch a plan on how to access the orbs. I needed to see his dreams, only him and that would be it.
I had visited Casilia's library, read books, all in the quest to get to the dreams of Pahpa. At one time, Casilia asked why I desperately needed to see Pahpa's dream, but I couldn't give an answer. I told her it was just a hunch, intuition driven.
If perhaps there was a way I could simply go to the waking world and see him, I wouldn't had bothered myself about the dream orbs, but there was no way. The dream orbs seemed to be the only way, so I had to find a way to get to them.
Time passed and still no positive result. Pytra had sealed the door that led to the orbs with an unbreakable spell. So much that any hope of passing through that door dissolved.
In my despair, I had decided to give up and let it all go. I needed to focus on other things that would help me.
One day while I was taking a warm bath in one of the natural pools outside the castle, an unknown force hit me, cursing me with an incomprehensible dizziness.
When I noticed that I was becoming almost unconscious, I began to rush out of the water, but the unknown force put all my efforts to get out in shame.
I only saw myself submerging into the pool, with no one around to help. My mind slowly shut down, my eyes followed and down I went all the way to the bottom of the pool.
After a little while, I saw myself walking down a beautiful hallway. I was a little afraid but wasn't going to scare away.
I heard a creepy sound behind me and I paused to check. I turned back but saw nothing or no one. I decided to keep moving forward, because I was curious to understand where I was.
But as I turned forward, I gasped at the sight of two beautiful tall women staring at me. They stood there as hindrance to my movement. They obviously were some kind of warriors serving as protectors of wherever the hallway leads to.
Suddenly a fierce female voice rang through the hallway, she said:
"Let the young man come in. I brought him here."
Without any hesitation, the female warriors parted and allowed me passage.
When I reached the end of the hallway, I was expecting to see a large hall, but what I saw shocked me.
Blank black space. Pitch back, with orbs of dreams glowing like stars flying all around. The space seemed infinite, as if I entered the outer space.
I stood at the end of the hallway, unable to take another step. I began to wonder what to do when, all of sudden , a beautiful female face formed itself from the darkness and regardless of the flying orbs.
She opened her powerful glowing eyes, gazed at me for a second and smile.
In an elegant and powerful voice she said: "Welcome to the space of the orbs of dreams. My name is -"
"Ohbaki?" I interrupted out of excitement.
She smirked. "Yes! I know that you already heard of me."
"Yes Pytra told me a little about you." I replied.
She altered her size to become a normal size woman. She stood beside me at the entrance and said:
"Your obsession to the orbs of dreams caught my attention Sol IbnuRa, that's why I brought you here to see for yourself."
I was taken aback by her words. Pytra had made me believe that no one was supposed to have access to the orbs of dreams, not even god level beings could have access, but there I was, given the chance to have access.
I was super excited, I had no idea how to use the orbs of dreams. As if she heard my thoughts, she smiled and said to me;
"Just close your eyes and focus. Occupy your thoughts with the image of the person you want to see and just wait."
I did exactly as she said and within seconds, an orb flew to me. It stopped right in front of me and began to glow even brighter.
I turned to Ohbaki and looked at her as if inaudibly asking for permission. She nodded, indicating that I could go ahead.
I touched the orb with my left hand and the orb started shinning even much more brighter. The bright light covered me completely and in a blink, I found myself standing beside a wretched looking bed, and laying on it, was a wretched lean man. Everywhere in the room was dark except for a small corner, where a little light shined.
Because of the little light, i could see a silhouette of the man from where I stood.
As if the man sensed my presence, he moved his body and raised his head. I stood right on my spot without moving.
The man slowly dropped from the bed and barely walked over to the little light. His face then came to light and oh, I beheld my greatest fear… Pahpa!