Cayena Graymore, the greatest swordmaster of the Kingdom of Elodea, is driven by a burning desire for vengeance after the brutal execution of her family. Initially believing the crown princess responsible, she tragically takes her life, only to discover the true masterminds are her best friend, Freya, and the ruthless Emperor.
Fueled by the pain of losing her family and the revelation that Freya also killed her sister, Cayena storms the palace, determined to end the Emperor's reign. Just as she is about to kill the Emperor, she is confronted by a mysterious man with unmatched power. Despite her unparalleled skills, Cayena is overpowered and killed.
With her last breath, Cayena wishes for a second chance. To her surprise, she reawakens in her 14-year-old self, armed with the knowledge of the past. Now, she must navigate her new life to protect her family and prevent their tragic fate.
The start is good but we will see how it goes, anyways go for it!!