Fifty years ago, terrifying creatures swept across the world, and traditional weapons proved powerless against them. Humanity lived in the shadow of fear and despair until a new generation of children with extraordinary abilities emerged. These children, called "The Balancers," possessed mysterious, colorful eyes capable of opening gates between the physical world and the realm of the monsters, becoming humanity's only hope.
The protagonist, Keni, is a boy ranked in the E classification. Will he be able to rise beyond his limits?
Hello, readers. My name is Marwan I've always wanted to write a story on this site, so I think it's about time I did. In fact, I'm going to do my best to write chapters on this site. So if you like the story, please support me with your ratings. I'll probably post a chapter every other day, and if I can, every day, and I'll complete the story as best I can, so stay tuned.
amazing story . the main character is very well and fight scene is amazing 🔥
great job brother , You have to work hard at it all the time