Synopsis: In an empire teetering on the brink of collapse, Prince Chun (Zaifeng) awakens in 1900 with fragmented memories from two lifetimes: one as the ill-fated Prince Regent and another as a historian who chronicled the Qing Dynasty’s fall. Armed with this knowledge, Zaifeng sets out on a mission—to rewrite history and guide the empire towards a new dawn.
Note: I am aware that the use of AI is heavily discourage, even outright unwelcomed. But I would still like to try to present what I have constructed with AI. I created the setting, the flow of the story from the beginning until the planned end. Every part of every chapter, I made an outline of how the story would unfold. To be honest, I could write the novel on my own, but for the life of me, I just cannot write in a way that sounds professional. I do not have the creativity to make these elaborate paragraphs that paints the world. What I do have, is the joy of creating alternative scenarios. And I think I've made some that looks nice enough to share. If this type of work won't cut it, then so be it. At least I've tried somewhere.