Vampire Lord Returns

I didn't want to wake up yet.

No. That's wrong...

I planned on never waking up.

But my clan is failing. I can sense it There is great turmoil amongst my people. A disruption in my blood. A confusion.

They've been without a proper leader for too long. They've forgotten where we came from.


No matter. I will remind them


After a thousand years in a rest that was meant to be eternal, Draven Noctaris finally woke up.

He pushed his hands against the coffin where he rested, and it slammed open.

The air filled his lungs, and his eyes instantly adjusted to the darkness.

Ahh. It feels good to be back.

He stretched out his arms and legs and stood to his full height.

And his full height was incredible. His entire body was.

He stood well above six feet tall, and his muscles had not deteriorated, even after a thousand years.

His chambers seemed to be in good condition as well.

Expected. I made it myself after all.

But I've been in here long enough.

He made his way up the staircase that led out of the dark room.

At the top lay a trap door that would open at his words.

In an ancient tongue known only by the Lord of Evil.



The door slowly cracked open, letting in a slither of light, until it finally opened completely, leading Draven to his favourite room.

The place he spent the most time in during his time as King.

The Throne Room.

As he stepped out into the light he looked around.

It looks exactly as I remembered. Perhaps even cleaner...

It was a large royal hall fit for a king. At its head atop a raised platform was his throne, made from the red and black rubies of ancient times.

A few meters in front of the throne was the red carpet.

A large area where the people of the Noctaris clan would kneel whilst listening to him speak and give orders.

Ooh, this does bring back memories. I wonder if Dracula is still around.


Draven heard a noise come from behind him, as he was standing and admiring the space.

"Hmm?" He turned with an upraised eyebrow.

Standing there was a young servant in a maid's outfit. Her hair was black and cut short. Her face was innocent and cute. But most importantly to Draven, the maid outfit clung tight to her skin, revealing her large breasts.

"Whoever designed your outfit has done a good job." He said to her whilst looking her up and down.

The maid stood there, lips slightly pursed in awe. Her cheeks began to blush, and she held her arms up to cover her chest shyly.

"Y-you're the man from the paintings. The owner of this palace. D-d-r."

"Draven Noctaris yes, that's my name." He said bluntly, finishing her sentence.

The woman looked like she was about to faint.

"W-ould you like some clothes Master."

Draven looked down at his naked form.

He hadn't even noticed.

Ah of course. My suit has disintegrated during my sleep...

"Hmm." He said looking around. "The palace seems to be empty at the moment. Yes, you can fetch me some clothes, but first, I must ask you something."

The girl's eyes lit up. Not only was she speaking to the original head of the clan, one of the most infamous men in the history of Velhalla, but now he was also interested in asking her a question.

"Of course Master!" She pleaded with her big red eyes. "Anything for you."

He let the words hang for a moment.

"I assume the clan members are out on some sort of expedition. Whilst we wait; would you like to pleasure me?" He asked, expression unchanging. As though it were a common task.

The girl's face froze for a moment. Staring in disbelief.

Yes. I'll need to make sure I rebuild my harem from now, or life will be boring here...

I'd have rather started with a true vampire, someone of more status. Or even one of the other clans' higher-ups, if they still existed.

But this maid will do. Her breasts are big enough, and her face is cute.

After a few moments, the maid replied.

"O-of course."

Without any more hesitation, she began to disrobe from where she stood.

She undid the buttons of her outfit and revealed her soft breasts, her nipples were a light shade of pink that faded into her light skin.

As she undressed, her face grew flustered, and her cheeks blushed. Still, she continued.

Draven watched, pleased with her body, but before the show could continue, he was interrupted.


The large double doors to the throne room opened, revealing a group of vampires in various outfits of different colours. Some wore weapons on their backs, whilst others were unarmed.

There were Twenty of them, as custom had commanded of the Noctaris vampires.

And they were all women.

Interesting. It seems things have changed.

As they entered, they were first stunned by the act that was about to take place between the man and the woman.

Many of the women's cheeks grew red and looked away.

But some glanced, staring at the naked body of Draven, realising who he was.

After all, they had murals and paintings of him all around the palace. How could they forget?

"M-master Draven Noctaris, Lord of Evil."

A blonde vampire said in disbelief, forcing the others to look.

They are all beauties. 

Draven smirked.

I'll have fun here.

The other vampires looked at him. They had to confirm it for themselves.

And once they had, they all dropped to one knee. All twenty of them.

Even the maid beside Draven copied suit. Her breasts were still revealed and squeezed against the floor as she bowed.

Draven watched the scene in delight. He was worried that they might not have still honoured him as head of the clan.

He had planned to take the lives of all of them if that were the case.

Thus, he was pleased and granted them their first command as returning lord of the Noctaris clan.

"Please, you may raise your heads."

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