
A mixture of every single race? Is such a thing truly possible?

Yalenia shook her head and rested her head in her palm. The others in the room seemed to be filled with disgust after hearing The Mothers plans.

Everyone unanimously agrees that such a thing was more than just an abomination.

It was blasphemy.

"I know it sounds unbelievable." Yalenia said, stating the obvious as she placed her hand on the glass of the strange device, staring up at the young boy that floated inside of the green liquid. "But this technology truly works."

Draven looked too, but all he saw was a human boy.

"He's no fairy. Where are his wings?" He asked sceptically.

"His transformation process will be complete tomorrow. I insist that you stay in our chambers until then so you can witness it for yourself. If you're displeased with the process, then you can destroy it all here and now. You are our Lord after all."