A brilliant yet eccentric figure in the business world, Ding Yuanying worked for a private equity firm in Germany. Using extraordinary and unconventional methods, he channeled funds raised in Germany into the Chinese stock market, exploiting what he termed "cultural codes" to amass vast fortunes from within the system. However, a pang of conscience eventually led him to withdraw from the firm.
This decision came at a steep price. Ding’s exit was met with severe penalties—his dividends were frozen, leaving him destitute to the point of surviving on instant noodles daily. Returning to an ancient city to “retreat” from the world, he met Rui Xiaodan, a young policewoman who had grown up in Frankfurt and now served in the city’s criminal investigation team.
From strangers to confidants, their bond blossomed. Initially connected by their shared passion for high-fidelity audio systems, their relationship evolved into an all-consuming love affair. Together, they experienced a whirlwind romance that was as enchanting, dramatic, and legendary as a love story in paradise.