Chapter 21: Double the Danger

It was the 5th day since the start of the tutorial, and as the 'false sun' began to reach its brightest luminescence, under the light of its warm rays, Jason surveyed the camp.

Jason had positioned himself at the rear of the ragtag force—no, it could no longer be called a ragtag force, but the now budding militia—and as such, he stood behind a solid wall of defence.

The initiates, wielding heavy shields and spears, formed the first line of resistance, standing at the front of the defence. Behind them stood those armed with swords and other close-combat weapons, ready to step in if anything broke through the frontline. Finally, behind them were the long-range damage dealers, consisting of archers and casters who were positioned on elevated platforms, and were poised to rain death on the approaching beast wave.

As time slowly passed, and the minutes felt like hours, the tension amongst the defenders rose. All eyes were focused on the east of the forest, where the beast wave had always originated from.

And then, as if signifying the starting bell of another bloody battle, the dreaded sound of the approaching beast wave echoed once more.

However, this time, something was different!

Like the previous days, the sound of multiple beasts charging through the forest and the noise of their sturdy bodies colliding with the brush and trees was clear, but this time, there was something more.

This time, like the first day the Giant had attacked, the thunderous sound of heavy footsteps reverberated through the air alongside the beast wave.

In response, Jason's eyes narrowed.

'So, a Giant will join the battle as well…'

Jason surveyed the forest as if trying to peer through the foliage. But under his scrutinising gaze and heightened senses, another noise emerged from amongst the clamours.

However, this time, the noise did not come from in front of them; instead, it seemed to be coming from behind their current position.

Jason fluidly turned on his heels as he moved to look at the opposite side of the camp.

'They're attacking from behind as well! And from the sound of those heavy footsteps… Another Giant? That makes two giants… Hm, this will make things Interesting…'

The noise was undoubtedly the dreaded chorus that signified another approaching best wave. A beast wave that was attacking from the other side of the camp. A beast wave that was attacking from the west!

'A beast wave from the east and the west…'

Jason then tore his gaze away from the other side of the forest and instead looked over the faces in the camp.

As the noise of the new beast wave grew louder and those within the camp released what it signified, a fresh wave of panic rippled through the camp's initiates.

This fresh wave of panic was because most of the defensive preparations had been focused on the eastern side of the camp, where the beast wave had consistently attacked from. But now, another beast wave was attacking from the far less defended western side.

It did not take a genius to realise the gravity of the situation, especially since this was a life-and-death battle for survival.

Jason's gaze alternated between the faces of everyone present before it finally stopped on their enigmatic leader, Morris.

Morris, who had also been standing at the rear of the defence lines alongside Jason, had also understood that they were being attacked from behind. His usually calm and stoic face, which belonged to a seasoned politician, broke as his complexion turned pale, and a fresh sheen of sweat glistened on top of his brow.

"Oh shit."

It was a rare moment for the otherwise well-poised politician to break character. Morris's voice, though quiet at first, soon turned into a bellow as he shouted a warning to the others.

"They're attacking from behind!"

Smith was the first to react to Morriss's shout.

Until this point, the old and experienced ex-military man had been fully focused on the battle before them. But hearing Morriss's shout of alarm and understanding the implications, he began shouting new orders at his men, trying to form some semblance of defence on the opposite side of the camp before the battle started.

Jason, for his part, watched the hectic scene unfold with his usual detached and emotionless demeanour.

Everyone was scrambling, trying to reinforce the western side of the camp, while Smith barked orders left and right.

After waiting a few more moments and with a sigh, Jason also offered his assistance. With a calm yet urgent tone, Jason called out to Smith, his voice rising above the noise.

"It's possible these Giants are the same ones from the first day," Jason said, unease clear in his voice. Though, it was merely a facade.

"If there are Giant's, try to hold them off. I'll deal with the one on this side first, and then I will make my way over to help you,"

Smith, who was still occupied with rallying his men, nodded in response.

He then shouted new orders, telling the initiates to avoid direct engagement with the Giants and instead focus on the other beasts. Meanwhile, Smith would keep the Giant's attention on himself until Jason finished up on the other side.

Only a moment later, as the ground trembled, the first of the monsters from the beast waves ravenously tore their way out of the forest with unrelenting brutal force, accompanied by loud, rage-filled roars.

Then all hell broke loose.

From both sides of the camp, two Giants charged through the tree line and their large, muscular, and imposing forms were identical to the Giant that had attacked them on the first day.

But this time, these giants were not alone.

Accompanying each Giant was a veritable army of beasts, each numbering around twenty-five. As the two beast waves surged from the forest toward the camp, the tension and fear had become thick enough to cut.

During the small sliver of time, before the beasts broke through the forest clearing, Smith had repositioned himself and a small unit of men on the far less guarded western side of the camp. With a spear and shield in each hand, the older man was still calm despite the oncoming horde.

His commanding presence and voice cut through the rising panic like a stalwart blade.

"Men, hold the line! Don't let them scatter us!" Smith bellowed, his deep voice reverberating through the camp.

Despite his attempt to rally his men, the defenders faltered as a pack of boars charged through the underbrush and towards them, but Smith was already moving.

With practised ease, smith readjusted his grip on his spear and pulled it back like a snake coiling itself before springing forward. In the next moment, the spear's shaft shone a deep blue as mana was infused into it, in response to the veteran using his skill.

Then, as the lead boar charged straight for Smith, who stood a few metres ahead of the others, Smith dodged to the side while pushing his spear forward. Using the Boar's momentum against it and with lethal precision, the spear easily slipped into the boar's left eye before continuing deeper into its skull.

At the same time, Smith let go of the spear and rolled to the side. The boar let out a low guttural scream as it managed to move a few more metres before collapsing right in front of the defence line.

"Hold the line!" Smith roared as he moved back and pulled his spear free from the boar's head with a spray of blood.

Then, the two sides clashed.



Smith's POV:


Smith took a deep breath as he moved back into formation.

The air was filled with the deafening roar of beasts, the clash of weapons, and the cries of his men as they fought tooth and nail to hold the line. Blood and dirt was mixed with the acrid stench of sweat and fear. Yet Smith's years of experience allowed him to maintain a calm mind despite the chaos.

He took a moment to regather himself as his eyes scanned the chaos around him.

A pack of smaller beasts had broken through the line on his right, and he rushed to intercept them before they could wreak havoc among the already struggling defenders.

With a fierce roar, Smith surged forward, his spear slicing through the air as he struck the first beast—a snarling wolf-like creature—through the neck. It collapsed instantly, its blood pooling beneath it. Without pausing, Smith turned and drove his shield into a charging boar to his right, stunning it long enough for him to finish it with a swift thrust of his spear.

Two more beasts came at him in quick succession, but Smith moved like the seasoned warrior he was, dodging, parrying, and striking with precision. A sharp claw raked against his armour, but he shrugged it off, retaliating with a mana-infused jab that pierced the offending creature's chest.

As a few more of the smaller beasts in his immediate vicinity fell, glowing white orbs formed from their corpses before infusing into him. Smith felt a surge of energy course through his body.

A familiar, almost comforting warmth spread through him as a system notification chimed in his mind.


Level Up!


Smith allowed himself a brief, grim smile.

His hard work was paying off, but there was no time to dwell on it. As the system prompted him, he quickly allocated his three newly earned stat points all into Strength.

The effect was immediate. His muscles tensed, and his grip on his spear felt steadier and more powerful than ever before.


Strength: +3.


The spear in his hand, which had once felt so heavy, now felt almost weightless.

'I feel even stronger than I was in my prime!'

Smith had once been a captain in the British Special Forces. The world-renowned SAS!

But as he aged, the toll of his many battles had caught up to his old, battered and deteriorating body, forcing him to leave that life behind. Instead, he leveraged his experience and knowledge to start a company in the private security industry.

But now, here in this tutorial, he felt good. He felt young. He felt powerful!

Throughout his life, the only things he could rely upon were his mind and body. He still had his mind, but now, once again, he had his body.

Smith's grin widened, and determination flared anew in his eyes as he turned his gaze back toward the battlefield and to the greatest threat that now approached them.

His eyes darted to the giant lumbering toward them, each step it took shaking the ground beneath their feet. Smith could feel the weight of the challenge, but he shoved down the rising tension in his chest.

Fear had no place here.

"Keep tight! Don't let them separate you! Shields together, brace for impact!" Smith barked as he charged toward the Ginat himself.

His grizzled face betrayed no doubt, only the fierce determination of a man who had seen far worse. Of a man who had once thrived in battle.

The giant approached, roaring as it swung its powerful arms towards their ranks.

As the arm came crashing down, Smith stepped to the side with practised ease, narrowly avoiding the devastating blow. He gripped his spear tightly as he activated his skill, causing mana to infuse into its shaft once again.

The tip began to glow faintly as he launched himself forward, narrowly missing another of the giant's sweeping blows before landing a precise strike at the Giant's knee, aiming to cripple its mobility.

The spear pierced through its thick hide, causing the beast to howl in pain, but it wasn't enough to stop it. The giant swung its arm in retaliation, forcing Smith to dive away.

From the corner of his eye, Smith spotted a group of his men struggling to fend off a trio of wolves. Their formation was breaking. Despite facing the dangerous adversary of the Giant in front of him, with a shout, he called out to his men.

"Reform! Don't let them get behind you!" His voice cut through the noise like a whip, snapping them back to focus.

The giant roared again, lifting its injured leg as if to stomp down on Smith. He rolled to the side, landing hard but springing back to his feet. His breath came in short bursts, but his mind remained clear. He wasn't going to let this beast have its way.

"Come on, then!" he growled, baiting the giant as he prepared another strike.

The ground quaked as the giant lunged forward. Smith used its momentum to his advantage, sidestepping at the last moment and driving his spear into its side. Blood sprayed from the wound, and the beast stumbled, its movements growing sluggish. Still, it refused to fall.

Smith knew that Jason had said to hold the giant off long enough for him to get here, but for Smith, the old led by example.

'These old bones don't need the young to save me just yet!'

Smith glanced back toward the defence line. The men were holding—for now. But it would not last for if they did not take down the giant soon.

"Archers and mages, focus fire on this bastard!" he shouted, pointing at the Giant.

A volley of arrows and skills sailed through the air, some finding their mark on the giant's exposed flesh. It roared in agony, thrashing wildly.

The western side of the camp was in a precarious balance, teetering on the edge of collapse. Smith knew they could nit hold forever, but his mind was already calculating the next steps.

As the giant reeled from the barrage of arrows, Smith seized the opportunity.

Summoning the last reserves of his strength, he charged forward. With a battle cry that echoed across the camp, he drove his spear deep into the creature's chest, aiming for its heart. The beast let out a final, ear-splitting roar before collapsing to the ground, shaking the earth as it fell.

Smith staggered back, his chest heaving as he pulled his bloodied spear free. His eyes scanned the battlefield once more. The line was still holding, but barely. The men were exhausted, their movements growing sluggish.

Yet, Smith's voice rang out in all its unyielding glory.

"Don't falter! We can win this!" he shouted, lifting his spear high with a rallying cry. "Together, we survive!"

The men responded with a ragged cheer, their spirits bolstered by the sight of their leader felling the giant.

But Smith knew the battle was far from over.

With a deep breath, he stepped forward once again, ready to face whatever came next.