"Vileplume is incapacitated, please Gym Leader Erika send the next Pokémon!"
The tall, cold-faced referee raised the flag in his hand, then said in a cold voice.
Erika put Vileplume back into the ball, and then an apprentice-like girl appeared beside her and took Vileplume's Pokéball, then quietly retreated, probably taking Vileplume out for treatment.
Rope didn't hurry, and Growlithe used a similar tactic to the one he used when he fought Houdini at the Saffron Gym. Only this time Growlithe's tactics achieved the most essential success compared to the overpowered Hoodie.
He managed to defeat the difficult Vileplume.
It took a lot of energy, but in the end, he still won. One move is not as good as the other.
Rope had no intention of taking Growlithe back. Although Growlithe had lost a lot of energy, it was not to say that he had no power to fight. Everyone's strength had improved significantly during this period of time. Vileplume had played three unfavorable games in the gym, and now that he finally had a favorable game, how could he not let Growlithe have enough fun?
As for Charmeleon, that Ironhead hates playing water-based Pokémon all the time.
In his words, only adversity is a challenge.
By the way, adversity in this case means leveling up and adding the adversity attribute...
There's Ash's internal flavor now.
Erika didn't stall for time either. It didn't make much sense after all.
"Come out, Bellossom!"
A petite, sweet-looking Pokémon appeared in the middle of the battlefield.
Seeing this, Rope calmly ordered, "Flare Blitz!"
Growlithe didn't hesitate to activate Flare Blitz and slammed it over there. Obviously, Rope's hang was really big, Flare Blitz was also considered one of the fire-type's big moves, but in Growlithe's hands, this move was just like a flat A skill...
Erika was also quite helpless, the Growlithe in front of her was like a mad dog, with a lot of vigor and firepower. There was almost no stopping, most of the time he was constantly moving and looking for a break, but he wasn't the kind of reckless person who had his mind set on being reckless. Just that move just now of Substitute covering and then insta-stealing without Rope giving a command meant that it was Growlithe's own method of combat, or that Rope had trained it into Growlithe's muscle memory.
But the timing of the move remained Growlithe's own, which meant that this Growlithe was not at all as honest and pure as it appeared to be. It's a dog with a heart of gold!
But as a grass-type Gym Leader, facing fire-type Pokémon and trainers who specialize in fire would have been a big disadvantage.
Then again, normal Fire trainers were at a big disadvantage against Celadon Gym and Pewter Gym!
It's also that Rope, the pervert, belongs in the open small. Otherwise you'd have a trainer who chose Charmander in his opening game against Rock-type Pewter Gym and Water-type Celadon Gym...they'd have gotten their asses kicked in the face!
You'd be lying if you said that Erika doesn't have a way to deal with normal Fire-type Pokémon. After all, there are really quite a few attributes that restrain Grass-types, so that Grass-type master doesn't have two anti-stress tricks in his hand.
But was Rope a normal trainer?
His Pokémon and special abilities aren't even legal...they're all blocked if you really want to play on switch.
So Erika's normal methods of resisting pressure and counter-attacking on defense really aren't much use against Rope. This is also the reason why there hasn't been an Elite Four in the Grass Department so far...too much of a disadvantage in terms of attributes.
However, there are quite a few other attributes that don't have an Elite Four, such as Normal type, Electricity, Fairy type... no more...
That's right, there are really only three lines of properties left that have not had an Elite Four champion appear. Before Alola was officially incorporated into the League, there were no Elite Four in Rock and Flight. However, after the establishment of the Alola League, the Rock Elite Four Lizzie and the Flying Elite Four Kahili appeared to fill in the gaps of these two attributes.
The top Normal type players are Norman of Hoenn and Cheren of Unova, both of whom are Elite Four, but have not been able to bring down any of the local Elite Four. You could tell the strength was still lacking. It's worth noting that Cheren was one of the former Pokédex holders, but his Pokédex was damaged, so he was made a predecessor of the current Pokédex holders, but is not considered a Pokédex holder. This is also Cheren's regret.
And Fairy type is a new property. There's still a lot of things people haven't figured out yet, so there's not much to say.
But...Electricity...you can't really blame the attributes for that...Electricity isn't exactly strong, but it's not weak either, but there really just isn't a single one that can fight, and Denshi is kind of strong, but it doesn't really reach the threshold of the Elite Four either.
The threshold of the Elite Four is not the Elite Four Pokémon, which the most powerful Gym Leaders in each region have one or two of. But Elite Four only has four per region...
That said, the Alola region really feels like a straw man.
Elite Four has five...
Emmmm, when you put it that way...the Galar region isn't much better. Chibana, who has championship power, still appears as Gym Leader, and there is no Elite Four...
"Dance, Bellossom."
Erika gave a command that didn't seem to fit the Elite Four.
But Bellossom danced.
Pink petals sprang out from beneath her feet, and she danced at the same time. The dance was quite graceful, and while dodging Growlithe's Flare Blitz, she also hit the petals towards Growlithe.
Quiver Dance plus Petal Dance.
Rope saw the essence of this move at a glance. Use Quiver Dance to dodge, have Petal Dance to attack while dodging, and at the same time, Quiver Dance's strengthened Special Attack enhances Petal Dance's power.
This move is really considered a brilliant idea.
Attacking and defending at the same time, it also added status. It had to be said that Erika was really just excellent at training Grass-type Pokémon!
Rope also simply ordered.Bellossom's strength wasn't weak, if it really took this move hard, it wasn't really easy to say if Growlithe would be able to hold on.
However, Rope was also able to see it.Erika's strength was really just terribly underestimated. Although she didn't know why Erika was so underestimated. But Rope would never believe in the 'Celadon Gym is the best of all dojos' again! I'll never believe that again!
No one else could say that, but if Misty had to fight Erika, she would have been beaten to tears by now.
Growlithe quickly dodged out of the way, then stopped and stared at Bellossom, looking for a break in her.
But Bellossom danced as if she was truly immersed in the dance, absorbed and not caring about Growlithe's movements.