A day with Marisov

Marisov's Point of View

I was having the bestest dream ever! The stars were all twinkly, and then whoosh! they turned into whole universes! The sun opened up like a big, glowy flower, and out came a huuuuge Jaeger, even bigger than a planet! It was so cool! I wanted to see what happened next, but then

Shake shake shake.

I blinked my sleepy eyes open and saw Miss Azura standing there. Oh! That's right! I remembered my super-duper important mission for today!

Today is Attempt Number 140 to make Papa and Miss Azura love each other so she can be my mama! Yippee!

I wiggled out of bed, already thinking of the bestest plan ever. Maybe I could lock them in a room together! Or get them to hold hands! Or oh oh! make them eat a love cake! Papa always says I'm a little schemer (I dunno what that means, but I think it's good), so I just know today's the day!

Anyways Miss Azura says we're not studying today! Yay!

I do like studying with Miss Azura 'cause she makes it fun, but sometimes it gets really, really boring when I already know everything. I think Papa said it's 'cause of one of my special powers!


Marisov's DRS Ability (Divine Reality Structure)

Name: Marisov's Gift

Description: Marisov has an instinctual and infinite understanding of knowledge. Any subject he is introduced to is immediately absorbed and comprehended at the highest level. This includes languages, sciences, magic systems, combat strategies, and even complex cosmic laws. However, due to his childlike innocence, he often doesn't realize how powerful his ability is, treating it as "just knowing stuff really fast."


Anyway! Miss Azura says we're going exploring today! Yay!

I jump out of bed and run straight to the bathroom to get ready! But then I hear Miss Azura giggling behind me. Huh? What's so funny?

Azura's Point of View

Ahhh~ Marisov is just too cute! He's like the perfect little son!

His bright eyes, his happy little giggles, his adorable excitement it makes my heart melt every time!

And once once Marisov finally acknowledges me as his Mama, I'll use that to finally make Zalthorion mine!

He'll have no choice but to accept me! We'll date, get married, and then then we'll make even more adorable little babies! Ahh~ Just imagining it makes me so happy~!

Fufu~ It's only a matter of time…

Marisov's Point of View

I put on my clothes super fast and ran straight to Miss Azura! She smiled at me, and we left my room together.

But I had a mission!

I sprinted down the hall, my tiny feet pattering against the floor as I ran toward Papa's room!

Today is the 140th attempt!

I'm gonna connect Papa with Miss Azura so she can become my Mama! Yippee!

I pushed open the door, and there he was Papa, sitting at his desk, signing papers. I immediately ran up and gave him a big hug, squeezing as tight as I could.

"Haha, Marisov, my son! How are you doing?" Papa chuckled, his deep voice warm.

"I'm doing fine, Papa!" I grinned, pulling away just enough to look up at him. "Miss Azura says we don't have to learn today! We're going exploring, and I want you to come with us! Please!"

Papa's smile softened a bit, but then he sighed. "I'm sorry, son. I'm busy right now, maybe next time."

In Zalthorion's thoughts: I don't want to be anywhere near that woman. I fear nothing except her.

My heart sank a little, but I understood. Being the overseer of Evolto City was really hard work. I reluctantly released him from my hug, stepping back with a little pout.

I turned to see Miss Azura's face, and I felt a wave of sadness come over me too. She looked so sad, just standing in the doorway.

But I didn't want her to stay sad. I looked back at her, determination filling my chest.

"Don't worry, Miss Azura," in my mind. "I will make Papa fall in love with you. I promise!"

Turning around, I grabbed Miss Azura's hands and yanked her along with me.

"Let's go!" I said, grinning up at her.

I zoomed down the hallway, holding her hand tight as I ran. My little legs moved fast, and I was so excited! We were going to explore, and nothing could stop me!

As I dashed past Dr. Wagner, I waved and shouted, "Hello, Dr. Wagner!" without slowing down.

I heard him chuckle behind me, and I couldn't help but smile even more. Dr. Wagner always seemed so serious, but when he chuckled, it was like the whole world was a little lighter.

But I had a mission, and I couldn't stop now! Miss Azura and I were going on our adventure!

Me and Miss Azura started exploring Evolto City, and wow, the city is soooo big! It's like, as big as the Milky Way planet! Hehe, Milky Way sounds like a chocolate bar, doesn't it? Yum!

Papa made these cool traversal pilons that opened rifts to different parts of the city, so me and Miss Azura ended up in the Market District today! It's so busy and full of life!

As we walked through the market, I saw the older kids doing all sorts of cool stuff! Some of them were jumping and flipping around the buildings like they were part of a big, fun game, while others were swinging from ropes like they were acrobats. There were even teenagers on hoverboards, doing tricks and zooming around like they were flying!

I watched them, eyes wide. Wow, I can't wait until I'm older and can do stuff like that!

But... first, I have to drink Fluffpup milk to grow big and strong, just like Papa always tells me! Fluffpup milk makes me grow taller and stronger, so one day, I can do all those cool tricks! It's a special kind of milk that tastes sweet, and it helps me grow, just like how Papa said! He's super smart!

"Miss Azura, do you think I'll be able to do all that cool stuff when I'm older?" I asked, my eyes sparkling with hope.

Miss Azura chuckled when I asked her. "Yes, Marisov, I know you can do all those things when you're older!" she said, her voice kind and encouraging.

I beamed up at her, feeling excited for the future. But for now, we were still in the Market District, and there were so many things to see!

As we wandered through the busy streets, Miss Azura noticed a store filled with shiny, colorful clothes. "How about we try on some clothes, Marisov?" she suggested, a playful grin spreading across her face.

I nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! Let's do it!"

We entered the shop, and Miss Azura began picking out all sorts of outfits for me. She chose a bright blue jacket with little stars on it and some fluffy pants that looked super cozy. I loved them!

"Look, Miss Azura, I look like a star!" I giggled, spinning around in front of the mirror.

Miss Azura smiled and tried on a few outfits herself, though I noticed her expression change as she examined herself in the mirror. She twirled, wearing a form-fitting, dark purple dress with silver accents. It was beautiful, but her eyes… They were intense, almost as if she was imagining something else entirely.

Oh, Zalthorion will love this on me, she thought, a dark, possessive gleam in her eyes. Once he sees me in this, he won't be able to resist me... I'll make him love me. He has to. He needs to see how perfect we could be together…

Her smile was sweet, but something about it felt different. Almost... dangerous. I didn't quite understand, but I just kept admiring the clothes, too excited about the new outfits to notice much more.

After we were done with the clothes, we moved on to one of the food stalls. The smells in the air made my stomach growl! There were so many delicious treats everywhere.

Miss Azura picked out some skyfluff bread, a soft, pillowy bread that tasted sweet and a little tangy. We also tried some crimson spice wings, crispy chicken wings drizzled with a hot sauce that made my mouth tingle. I loved them!

"Miss Azura, these are so yummy!" I said between bites, grinning at her.

Miss Azura smiled back, but I caught her glancing around the Market District as she chewed her food, almost like she was waiting for someone... No, not someone... just him.

"Yes, Marisov, they're delicious," she replied, her tone soft and distracted.

I didn't notice the shift in her mood. I was just too busy enjoying my food and the fun of the day.

"Maybe we can try some celestial fruit next!" I exclaimed, my excitement bubbling over. The fruit glowed softly in the daylight, and I was eager to taste it.

Miss Azura nodded, her smile returning though it seemed a little more... cunning now. "Of course, we'll try everything you want, Marisov."

As we continued to explore and eat, I couldn't stop thinking about the future. I hoped that one day, I would be big and strong enough to do all the things the older kids did. And maybe just maybe I could help Miss Azura and Papa be happy together...

After a few hours of running around the Market District, trying on clothes, and tasting delicious food, me and Miss Azura decided to rest for a while at the park.

The park was big and peaceful, with green trees all around and flowers that looked like they were glowing in the sun. There were soft benches under the shade, and I plopped down onto one, kicking my legs back and forth. I was still full of energy, but my little legs needed a break.

Miss Azura sat beside me, stretching her arms above her head. Her smile was warm, but there was a little something different in the way she looked at me today. I didn't know exactly what it was, but it made me feel like something big was about to happen.

"Isn't it nice here, Marisov?" she asked, leaning back against the bench and looking up at the sky. The clouds looked like big fluffy marshmallows, and I wondered if I could jump on them like in my dreams.

"It's amazing! I like the flowers!" I said, pointing to a patch of colorful flowers nearby. "Do you think we could plant some at home?"

Miss Azura's gaze shifted, and she nodded slowly. "Yes, we could plant some. Maybe even have our own little garden." She paused, her voice softer, almost as if she were thinking of something else entirely. "Maybe when everything is perfect, we can make a beautiful garden together, just you and me... and Zalthorion."

Her words sounded a little strange, but I didn't mind. I liked the idea of planting a garden with Miss Azura. It seemed like it would be fun!

I grinned at her. "That sounds awesome! We'll make it super pretty, just like the ones in my books!"

She chuckled softly and gave me a gentle pat on the head. "I'm sure you'll help me make it perfect, Marisov. You always know just what to do."

As I sat there, my legs dangling off the edge of the bench, I thought about Papa. I missed him a little. I had hoped he would come with us today, but he was still so busy with his work. I bet he'd love the park, though. He likes quiet places like this.

"I think Papa would like it here," I said quietly, more to myself than to her.

Miss Azura's expression softened, and she looked at me with something like longing in her eyes. "Yes, I think he would, too," she said, but her voice was almost wistful.

I looked up at her, a little confused. "Why don't you ask him to come next time? He'll probably say yes!"

Miss Azura smiled, but there was a shadow in her eyes. "Maybe next time," she murmured, her fingers lightly tapping her chin. "Maybe next time."

The park was peaceful, the perfect place to relax. But even with the beautiful sky and the fresh air, I couldn't shake the feeling that Miss Azura was thinking about something important something more than just our day of fun.

We sat there for a while, the sounds of birds chirping and children playing in the distance, but I couldn't help but wonder if Miss Azura had a plan for something bigger, something that would change everything.

The park was quiet, and the soft sounds of the day drifted by. As I swung my legs back and forth from the bench, I noticed something strange in the distance. A big, fiery glow flickered at the edge of the park, beyond the tall trees. It almost looked like a flame… but much bigger. I couldn't quite make it out, but it seemed to grow brighter for a moment, like a great beast shifting in the distance. It felt warm, even from here.

"Miss Azura, do you see that?" I asked, pointing towards the distant glow.

She glanced up for just a second before turning her attention back to me. "Hmm? Oh… that's just the edge of the city. Sometimes the lights from the industrial area shine through the trees." She smiled, brushing it off.

But there was something about it that didn't sit right. That glow seemed different like it wasn't just lights. I shook it off and decided to focus on other things, but my curiosity stayed in the back of my mind.

Miss Azura didn't seem to notice the other thing—something in the sky, far above the park, where the clouds swirled with a strange, unnatural rhythm. The sky was clear, yet I could feel a slight tingle in the air, like the wind had just… shifted. A ripple, almost. I squinted up, trying to make sense of the unusual movement, but the clouds returned to their normal shape quickly.

"Do you ever feel the sky change, Miss Azura?" I asked, looking up.

Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a faint shadow crossing her face. "The weather has a mind of its own sometimes, Marisov. Just like… other things do." She glanced up at the clouds, her fingers twitching as if she were about to do something.

I tilted my head, not understanding what she meant. But the strange feeling in the air made me think something else was out there. Something powerful. Maybe it was just the park playing tricks on my senses.

But it wasn't just the park today. As we sat there, a deep rumble echoed in the distance, almost like thunder, but softer like it came from the very earth beneath our feet. It was different from a storm. It was… alive.

"Do you think Papa will ever take me on a big adventure with him, Miss Azura?" I asked, trying to pull myself away from the strange feeling in the air.

She looked at me with a soft smile. "Your Papa is... very busy, Marisov. But when the time is right, he'll take you on all sorts of adventures."

I nodded, imagining myself riding on Papa's shoulders, facing whatever challenges came our way. But even as I thought of that, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was stirring on the horizon. Something someone was coming.

And in the distance, I could hear the faintest sound. Almost like a roar.

A fire roaring.

And maybe… thunder? Or was it something else?

I smiled, shaking off the odd thoughts and looked back at Miss Azura. "I'll be ready when Papa takes me on an adventure!" I said, excited again.

She smiled softly, but there was a glint in her eye. "You're always ready, Marisov. I'm sure you'll be ready for anything, no matter what."

As the sun slowly set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky, me and Miss Azura began our walk back to the tower where Papa and Miss Azura lived. It's the tallest building in Evolto City, right at the very center. I like living there because I'm close to Papa, and the view from the top is amazing, like the whole city is below me and I can see everything!

We took the elevator up, and when we got to my floor, I waved goodbye to Miss Azura as I skipped down the hallway toward Papa's office. It's my favorite part of the day, saying goodnight to him before I go to bed. I couldn't wait to tell him all the fun stuff I did today. Miss Azura was so nice, and I think Papa would like to know that!

When I got to the door, I stopped for a moment. I thought I heard Papa talking with someone inside Dr. Wagner. They didn't notice me right away, so I stayed quiet and listened. I could only hear bits and pieces of what they were saying, but it was enough to make my curiosity grow.

"You know, you should really spend more time with Marisov," Dr. Wagner said, his voice calm but serious. "He needs a mother figure, and I've noticed he's been trying to make you get together with Azura. She seems to be the perfect candidate. Marisov always tries to make things happen between you two."

I couldn't help but smile. I knew it! I knew Papa and Miss Azura would make a great couple one day! It would make me so happy to have her as my mama! I leaned a little closer to the door, not wanting to miss anything.

"I know I should spend more time with Marisov, but with Xytheron coming back... I won't have time with him," Papa's voice said, a hint of worry in it. "And no, I will not marry Azura," he added quickly, almost like he was trying to convince himself.

My smile faltered a little. Papa didn't sound like he meant it when he said that. There was something strange in his voice, like he was... scared?

Dr. Wagner didn't sound surprised at all. "Why not? You're the greatest being in existence. You seem to fear her. I can tell you're afraid, Zalthorion."

There was a pause. A long one.

I didn't understand everything they were talking about, but I knew one thing for sure: Papa seemed really scared of Miss Azura. That made my heart hurt a little. I didn't want him to be afraid of her, especially if she was going to be my mama.

Before I could think too much about it, I pushed the door open slowly and stepped inside, trying not to let them know I overheard them. "Papa!" I said with my usual big smile. "I'm back from exploring! I had the best day ever!"

Papa looked up from his desk, and his face softened when he saw me. He quickly straightened himself up, trying to hide the tension from the conversation, but I could still feel it in the air. "Hey, Marisov," he said, his voice back to normal, but there was something in his eyes that made me wonder.

I ran over to him and jumped into his arms for a hug, like I always did at the end of the day. "Goodnight, Papa. I love you!" I said, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

He chuckled softly and hugged me back. "Goodnight, son. I love you too."

But as I pulled away, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Papa and Miss Azura... there was something they weren't telling me. And whatever it was, I didn't think I was going to like it.

But I wasn't going to give up. No way. I was going to make sure that one day, Miss Azura would be my mama, and everything would be perfect. After all, I had 140 attempts already. What's one more?