"I didn't expect to meet Young Master Li Yuan here!"
Spotting Wang Li Yuan with two other Wang family heirs at the same inn, Yun Yan Tian couldn't help but be surprised.
"What a coincidence! Have you eaten yet? My companions and I just arrived and haven't had dinner.
If Young Master Yan Tian and Miss Yan Shuang don't mind, would you care to join us for a meal downstairs?" Wang Li Yuan asked warmly, a smile gracing his lips.
"An honor," Yun Yan Tian replied. The cordial invitation left him little room to refuse, and, besides, this was an opportunity to glean more information about the Dan Ding Sect Ruins.
After all, Wang Li Yuan had entered the ruins the previous year and returned with a fateful treasure. Whatever he had found, however, was a secret closely guarded by the Wang family, known to no outsiders.