The First Craft (3)

Chapter 7: The First Craft (3)

Through trial and error, Blake built his knowledge of smelting. Everything he learned was absorbed by his legendary skill—The Hearth's Spirit—which displayed vital information, from the furnace's temperature to the minutest details of the ores immersed in the flames.

Different patterns and colors appeared in Blake's vision, guiding him in producing optimal pig iron, which he then refined into a steel ingot using coal and Vargar's supervision. This time, Blake stuck to his word, working patiently and avoiding any steps beyond Vargar's instructions.

Because he possessed the legendary blacksmithing title, he made fewer mistakes than most novice blacksmiths, which saved significant time. Though the starry sky had long since appeared and many players had logged out in preparation for tomorrow, Blake wasn't ready to end his first day in Ashen World Online without fully immersing himself in blacksmithing.

Vargar didn't feel like calling it a night either.

Using long tongs, the dwarf picked up the molten steel and placed it on the anvil. Beside him, Blake stood with a hammer in hand.

In Ashen World Online, equipment provides skills and stats. That said, Blake's hammer only slightly increased his strength. Still, even a small boost was helpful since he was only a level-one player with no accumulated stats.

Blake speculated he hadn't gained anything from his other blacksmithing utensils and gear because he was just starting out on his craftsman path. He had a whole smithy to himself and an abundance of rare-grade materials at his disposal. That was more than enough.

Too many advantages might make him miss valuable insights. Even with the hammer providing +5 Strength, the task proved more demanding than he'd anticipated!

"Flatten the steel, thinning and elongating it," Vargar instructed, signaling him to begin. "Imagine this steel as yer enemy or a monster ye're eager to defeat to level up!"

Staring at the orange, malleable steel, Blake imagined his name carved into it. He then recalled how he'd once arrogantly dragged his guild members into battles, selfish tactics causing them harm. The memory sparked uncontrollable disgust within him.

He swung his hammer. "BLAKE!"

Vargar stroked his beard. "I wonder who that Blake is… Ayo, brat! It's good ye started from the middle, but keep yer strikes consistent and precise! Go along the blade! Ye hear me?!"

Blake didn't hear him. Instead, he channeled his pent-up anger, swinging the hammer with all his strength. Though his eyes betrayed both hatred and sadness, he struck with consistency and precision.

In fact, he wielded the hammer like a weapon. Moreover, he could see the precise points he needed to hit, thanks to another skill from his legendary title—The Blacksmith's Spirit (Legendary). Just like The Hearth's Spirit, it absorbed Vargar's advice and guided him in thinning and elongating the steel.

Once Blake entered a battle mindset, his standout qualities—focus and calculation—were heightened. Because of that, the skill could replicate Vargar's expertise even though Blake wasn't actually listening.


"The sound's different," Blake said, stopping mid-swing, his hammer hovering above the steel whose color had darkened.

Vargar nodded. "Indeed. I'm amazed ye noticed it in this state. We need to reheat it now!"

When the steel cooled, the sound it produced upon being struck changed, a detail Blake naturally picked up on in his battle mindset. Recognizing that calmed him down.

After Vargar placed the steel back into the furnace, he asked, "Who is that Blake?"

"Me," Blake replied.

The old dwarf blinked in disbelief. "I know humans are deeply attached to their social lives, more so than most races, but ye're too hard on yerself. Ye were at the top, ye? And no one tried to help ye? Just left ye alone at the end?"

Blake narrowed his eyes. "I can't remember."

Someone must have offered him help, but he'd likely dismissed it. He was so self-absorbed that he couldn't recall who had truly exploited him and who had genuinely wanted to support him.

"Good news, though," Vargar said while carrying the malleable steel back to the anvil. "Ye have a knack for hammerin' and strikin'! Haha!"

In Vargar's words, the steel was like a willing mistress, craving more.

Upon thinking that, Blake massaged his temple before continuing with the work late into the night.

"We'll continue tomorrow!" Vargar finally said, exhausted.

Blake nodded.