In a desperate bid for domination, the Saltins launch a war of conquest against Earth. But the planet's guardian, the Great One Tellarus, intervenes by granting humans powerful systems that aid them in combat.
Seventeen-year-old Jack is chosen to wield the ultimate system, No. 1, elevating him above all other system wielders. Tasked with ending the war, Jack must navigate treacherous landscapes and battle relentless supernatural beings.
With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Jack's resolve is tested. Can he harness the power of the ultimate system to defeat the Saltins, or will he succumb to the overwhelming odds?
I'm gonna give you a the review you deserve: first what tf is that R***? 😐 that word is used in Arabic and u know what means but still used it I couldn't continue to be honest and another thing why is Gabriel there as not a name but something else you I could say one thing this is why you don't have any readers everyone will drop at first chapter if all you include is religious related. and the last thing the mc's name jack? like couldn't you find anything good for him? well I review newbi Arthur's like my self and you deserve the truth this is not it its just...not it for me at least and I could say many have this opinion but don't have the time to write all of this.