Centuries after a devastating plague and an apocalyptic war, Earth has fractured into warring territories, each struggling to survive and reclaim power. At the heart of this desolate world stands Lucia, a former officer of the totalitarian Dominion, a regime that controls what’s left of civilization through ruthless genetic experiments. These experiments, known as the Trials, are deadly arenas where the world’s strongest survivors are pitted against each other, and the winner is granted control over the remaining factions.
When Lucia uncovers the Dominion's darkest secret—its intention to genetically engineer humanity into a race of superhumans—she escapes their clutches and joins the Fractured, a faction of survivors who have rejected Dominion control. Together with her new allies, including the skilled fighter Talon and brilliant young strategist Mira, Lucia enters the Trials, determined not just to survive but to expose the Dominion’s sinister agenda.