Final Note

Final Note:

Thank you to everyone who has read this far, I truly appreciate your support! Writing Forged in Blood has been an incredible journey, but I've come to realize that the story has strayed far beyond what I originally envisioned. As a result, I've found it increasingly difficult to gather inspiration and maintain a clear direction.

This was never meant to be a long-running project, and I believe that shows in the way the plot has unfolded. Rather than forcing something I'm no longer proud of, I've decided to step away from this work and focus on a story that I can truly do justice.

That said, I hope you've still enjoyed the ride, flaws and all. This was my first-ever story, and every step of the process has been a learning experience. I'll continue writing, just not on Forged in Blood.

Much love to everyone who gave my work a shot!

Best regards,
