Chapter 2

Visits by relatives who are planning to spend the summer in Arvis. Social gatherings. Insurance issues for the trade ship to sail next month.

Matthias, sitting at the backside of the carriage, stared outside the window as his butler Hessen reported the family's pending issues. Matthias replied to Hessen's words with a brief answer or a nod. The directors were in charge of the company, and Mattias's mother and grandmother were in charge of the family affairs, but the power to make the ultimate decision was up to Duke Herhardt. And Matthias has been in that position ever since he was twelve years old.

By the time Matthias entered the Platanus road to the Herhardt territory, Hessen's report was over.

Matthias gazed at the familiar scenery with his head tilted at an angle. The tall trees that lined both sides of the driveway were arched as if they were holding hands. The fragmented sunlight gliding through the swaying leaves embroidered the path like a beautiful pattern.

Passing the road and into the territory, a white mansion with a deep blue roof had revealed itself. At the front door, the mother and grandmother were out to greet the family's head. While Matthias was straightening the position of his already linear tie, the door to the wagon opened.

"Welcome, Matthias."

The Dowager Duchess of Arvis, Norma Catarina von Herhardt, greeted her grandson with a bright smile. Matthias bowed his head and accepted his grandmother's kiss. Elysee von Herhardt, who was standing behind them, approached Matthias with a slightly more straightforward attitude.

"You've grown taller."

She gave him a warm hug and smiled. Her dark black hair, just like her son's, shined in the early summer sun.

Matthias replied with a corresponding smile. The greetings that were shared with the other servants who were waiting in line were not much different. Matthias's refined manner and proper courtesy were distinctly shown towards the servants. He was the perfect owner of this family, Duke Herhardt.

Standing between his grandmother and mother, Matthias took the lead and crossed the lobby hall. Before he climbed up the stairs, he suddenly raised his head and looked up the huge chandelier that was lit up in the middle of the day. Beyond the chandelier was the crest of Herhardt family imprinted on the ceiling.

He was a Herhardt.

It was another name for intelligence, elegance, and unrelenting character.

In his own life, Matthias never had any complaints or doubts. He was well aware of the type of life he had to live in and was willing to accept it. He handled his life as if he were breathing and it was easy as that.

With his gaze focused down, Matthias climbed up the stairs with large strides.

When the owner of the household safely entered the mansion, the servants were now able to properly breathe.

The people of Arvis prepared for days in advance to thoroughly greet Duke Herhardt. Everything and everyone had to be perfect on his arrival, including those who were residing on his land. The servants had to be on their best appearances. The Arvis' uninvited guest, Leyla Lewellin, was no exception.


"Did the duke go in? Already?"

Leyla, standing at the edge of the group of servants, whispered in a rather disappointed voice. The ivory dress that Bill had bought fluttered along with the girl's movement.

"You'll see Duke Herhardt in the woods. I'll have to ask for permission then."

Bill Remmer gave out a blunt answer and started walking towards the woods. Leyla ran after him.

"Does the duke like the forest as well?"

"Well, yeah sure. He likes hunting."

"Hunting? In the woods?"

Leyla's eyes grew wide open. Bill snorted as he glimpsed down the child.

"Isn't it natural the forest is the hunting ground for this family?"

"Then… does he hunt birds too?"

"The duke enjoys hunting birds the most."

Leyla stopped walking in contemplation at Bill's insignificant remark. After realizing what he had said, Bill awkwardly gave out a dry cough.

He thought of appeasing her with a proper lie but Duke Herhardt was scheduled to be on the hunting ground in a couple of days. He was worried that he might give the child a greater shock if he tried to relieve her with his white lies.

"You'll be surprised when you see the duke's shooting skills. He's young but he's a great marksman."

Bill babbled because he thought he had to say at least something to reassure the young girl. But Leyla was already on the verge of tears.

"Why does he like catching birds? There's lots of food in a mansion like that."

"To the noblemen, hunting is just a form of leisure. Birds are the most interesting targets to shoot at, and…."

Bill once again realized what he had said and turned towards Leyla. His eyes were met with Leyla's upset face.

Why did you have to like birds so much!

Bill almost yelled out. He didn't know why he was bothering to explain all these things to her while having to be careful of the child's feelings. Bill ended up keeping his silence because if he said one more word, she looked like she was about to cry.

A crying Leyla.

He hated the sight of crying children.

After hesitating, Bill started to walk again. The child followed his footsteps with her shoulders limp. The exact child who was excited to wear her new ivory-colored dress was now nowhere to be found. It had been quite a sight to see her getting so jumpy about a dress she just got.

"I hope the duke starts to hate hunting."+

The child, who had been silent for a long time, said cautiously.

"Maybe he'll grow bored of hunting?"

Leyla looked up at Bill with eyes full of hope. Bill could only reply by sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Leyla believed her prayers could have been fulfilled.

A week after his return, the duke was nowhere to be seen near the hunting ground. It was understandable because he was busy taking care of the guests who had flocked to the mansion to see him.

Every day, there were clamorous gatherings held at the mansion but the forest was silent. Summer was near its end. Baby birds hatched from the eggs and the wild roses, which used to be in their early buds, were now in full bloom. Leyla happily observed the minor changes that were happening in the forest.

"Don't go too far Leyla!"

Bill raised his voice when Leyla excitedly left the cabin.

"Okay! I'm just taking a walk by the river! See you later, uncle!"

Leyla turned around and frantically waved both her arms over her head. The old leather bag the girl was holding over her shoulder shook along with the jumpy child.

Leyla was the first to see the recently hatched birds over the tree branch. The hairless baby birdlings were waiting for their mother to bring their food. Leyla scurried down from the tree and recorded the baby birds she saw today on a small note taken out from her leather bag. Although the sketches were a bit messy, she tried her best to capture the tiny birds through her drawings.

Leyla drew and wrote everything she saw in the woods in her little notebook. The land was more beautiful than any other place she had ever lived in. Leyla wanted to write down everything so when the time for her to leave the place came, she could recall the memories she had in the forest through her notebook. The thought of leaving the place one day saddened her.

As Leyla walked along the path leading to the riverside, she steadily recorded the forest. She stuck in pastel-colored flower petals between her notebook pages and picked some strawberries she found on the way. The sun was beginning to set when she reached the glistening riverside.

Leyla climbed on top of a massive tree that stood at the border of the forest and the river. The thick lengthy branch of the tree was her favorite spot because it was as comfortable as a chair. Just when Leyla was about to open her notebook, faint clatter of horseshoes was heard from afar.

Leyla hastily shoved her notebook into her bag. In the meanwhile, the galloping sound of the horse came closer. Frightened by the incoming intruder, Leyla held her breath while hugging the tree branch she was laying down on.

Soon after, a horse with a smooth dark hazel fur appeared. A man was on its back. Of all places, the man chose to rest his horse right underneath the tree where Leyla was on. The man's movements from when he descended from the horse were light and flexible.

Leyla believed she should come down but the strange man was already leaning his back under the tree. Not knowing what other excuses to say, Leyla simply stared at the man raising his hand to take off his hat. It was at that exact moment when Leyla's leather bag slid off her shoulders and hit the branch.

The memory of the next moment was vague.

The man reflectively turned his head towards the tree branch and met eyes with Leyla. Leyla gazed upon his eyes. His blue eyes, seen through the thick black hair flowing over his forehead, were like transparent glass beads. By the time Leyla pulled herself together, the man was pointing his gun towards her face. Leyla's face grew pale at the thought of getting shot by the long, threatening gun.

Leyla, frozen in place, simply hugged the tree for dear life. Her whole body was trembling in sweat. The man slowly gave off a silent sigh and lowered his gun.

"What are you."

A low voice streamed through his crooked lips.


Leyla managed to squeeze her voice out but was on the verge of tears. Her gold hair fluttered in the wind.


His eyes narrowed further. Leyla hugged the tree so hard that her fingertips began to hurt.

"Leyla. Leyla Lewellin."


"Uncle! Uncle Bill! Uncle!"

Leyla's voice rang out in the woods.

Bill was sitting in front of the cabin warehouse. He turned his head in bewilderment at Leyla's frantic call. Leyla rushed towards him with a crimson red face.

"What's the matter?"

"The- There's a man in the woods! He was tall!"

Despite her shortness of breath, Leyla was about to explain her encounter with the strange man.

"You must've met the duke who came out hunting."

Bill retorted as he picked up his tools from the warehouse.

"His hair was black and his eyes were really blue. His voice was light as a feather."

"It's Duke Herhardt without a mistake."

Bill snarled with laughter. Leyla stood in front of Bill for a long time, trying to catch her breath.

The beautiful but scary man stared at Leyla for some time and had turned away without saying a word. When he got back on his horse, two other men appeared from the deep forest. The man turned his horse to join the other two men as they drifted further into the woods. When they were no longer visible, Leyla climbed down from the trees and fled to the cabin.

"Then the duke….."

When Leyla was able to say something, a cold shot rang out, shaking the calmness of the forest.

Leyla was startled and she turned her head towards the direction of the sound. Surprised birds arose from the far side of the forest. One of the surprised birds fell into the trees, with its wings drooped helplessly.

The shots went on a few more rounds. Bill gave Leyla a pat on her shoulder in an effort to calm the scared girl.


Leyla slowly raised her head. When their eyes met, Bill unconsciously held his breath.

The child was crying.


The beautiful bird slaughterer.

That was the title Leyla Lewellin decided to give him.

All the people of this estate, even Bill Remmer, praised him for being a perfect aristocrat. People seemed to care and love Matthias von Herhardt, who had outstanding qualities as the owner of this land.

But Leyla did not agree.

Ever since the day the duke went out hunting, the mother bird disappeared. The baby birds that had recently hatched no longer than their mother to feed them. In addition, countless birds were no longer to be seen.

Why did the duke hunt only small, beautiful birds instead of large birds that are meant to be eaten?1

Leyla, who had been observing and agonizing for over the past month, now seemed to know why.

To him, the birds were moving a target.

The smaller they were, the more difficult and interesting they were to aim. The duke did not bother to look at the prey he hit. He simply turned away after hitting his target. On the days he went out hunting, Leyla buried the dead birds that were covered in blood.2


The gunfire rang once again in the distance.