Adam, a grieving father and husband, discovers the existence of the multiverse after losing his wife, Lara, and daughter, Mia, in a tragic accident. Armed with a self-made invention called the "Multiverse Key," Adam begins an epic journey through alternate realities, determined to save versions of his family in every world where they exist.
From dystopian futures ruled by machines to wild jungles inhabited by colossal beasts, Adam faces relentless challenges and uncovers startling truths about his mission. Each universe presents a new Lara and Mia-some as allies, others as strangers-but none remember him.
As Adam fights to reunite with his family across countless realms, he encounters The Architect, a powerful being who warns him of the consequences of tampering with the multiverse. Forced to confront the futility of his quest, Adam must choose between clinging to the past or finding peace in the present.
Across Infinite Realms is a heart-wrenching tale of love, loss, and the lengths one man will go to protect the people he loves, even across the endless possibilities of existence.