An Unexpected Stalker...

— In the downtown area of Hoshito City, inside Sushi Haven, at a windowsill table —

*Nom, Nom, Nom.*

"You must really love sushi," said Cassius, a fond smile painting his handsome, attentive features. On the other side of the table was a bunny-like girl with long, silky brown hair and large doe eyes that squinted in joy after each voracious chew.

Realizing that she was being a bit uncouth, Grace swallowed one last piece of sushi with a look of euphoria before reluctantly placing her chopsticks to the side. "I-I'm sorry… You must think less of me now…" Imaginary bunny ears seemed to droop atop her head as she silently moved her small pink lips.

Cassius rested his chin on his hands, a warm, soothing smile gracing his features. "Pay no mind to me; I think watching you eat is far more enjoyable than eating alone—or even eating at all."