Main Quest 2 Urgent Quest Upgrade

Cassius found his eyes leaving the rowdy pedestrians and instead honing in on the strapped-up Hunters chatting away with one another. Contrary to the matter of safety, they were speaking as if everything was already in the bag, with them only needing to claim all the rewards.

"The Kobold's Catacombs!" A young man with spiky, unorthodox hair primed his long spear as he pointed it at the large green Gate. "This is our third time entering this Gate, and it is sure to be a breeze to conquer, just like all the times before!"

"Haiz…" A robust, broad-shouldered man shook his head in exasperation. "It seems that Isaac is at it again. I keep telling him not to be so cocky. After all, anything unexpected could happen in a Gate, even in ones that have been cleared repeatedly."