Cassius felt like Riddle #2 was far easier than the first one. Yet he couldn't place his finger on which one of the potential answers it actually was. On the high chance he got this one wrong, he would have no choice but to rely on the final answer to safely get him through this crisis.
Five seconds later.
In the end, he went with his gut. "Fire! That is the answer!"
The Hellish Sphinx remained eerily quiet, causing the 5th Floor's interior to constrict further.
Ultimately, a similar reaction as before occurred on her stony feminine expression. Afterward, she said, "Correct."
Cassius breathed a sigh of relief. He had several different solid guesses for that question. The only reason he hadn't gotten it wrong was because he got lucky. However, with the final riddle coming up, he had to put on his A-game face.