What it takes to place in the Yggdrasil Tournament

But with the Dimensional Tournament of Yggdrasil beginning soon, the Aluria Family might just be able to make a comeback—that is, assuming they're able to place high enough in the Tournament Rankings, hopefully in the Top 100. If they're able to accomplish that, then most of their political issues will be resolved.

However… with Amaris not eligible to participate and all her daughters too young to make any difference, she could only rely on those affiliated with her family. And to be honest, she didn't feel the least bit assured with the candidates she currently had available to choose from.

There were several Beyond SSS-Rank Awakeners in the Aluria Royal Family, and there were even more SSS-Rank Awakeners. But of those SSS-Rank Awakeners, very few stood out among the crowd. None of them seemed like Top 100 material—possibly not even Top 200 material.