As I carefully scanned the alien soldiers, hoping to spot the leader among them, it became clear that the alien leader wasn't present. Phew, I let out a quiet breath of relief—my heart rate easing just a bit. But that relief was short-lived. I knew that, with or without the alien leader around, my chances of finding a way out of here hadn't really changed. The odds were still stacked against me, and I was running out of options.
Tch! If only those damn barrier shields weren't in the way; I'd have wiped out every single one of these alien soldiers by now. The thought alone made my blood boil.
Knowing I can't escape, I'm done waiting around. I've made up my mind—I'm going to fight. Whether I succeed or fail doesn't really matter anymore. What matters is that I've grown a lot stronger than I was before, so why not give it another shot? This might be my only chance to test out my new strength.