In the year 3027, humanity has transcended Earth’s bounds, thriving in colonies scattered across the solar system. Under the watchful governance of the Unified Solar Federation, an era of peace and prosperity seems assured. But for Samuel Hatten, a celebrated war hero recently discharged from service, the war is far from over.
Haunted by the enigmatic events he witnessed on the battlefield—incidents shrouded in secrecy and buried under classified reports—Samuel struggles to reconcile his past with the fragile peace of the present. These events, unexplained and unnerving, hint at forces beyond human understanding.
As Samuel delves deeper into his memories, piecing together fragments of suppressed truths, an unsettling realization takes root: the battles humanity thought were over may only have been the beginning. And in his darkest moments, a single thought echoes in his mind:
"The worst is yet to come."
Can be read nicely. The story starts off great, although it's been three chapters, so I am in no position to fully say its flaws. But recommend reading it. 👍
Reveal Spoiler
“…oh shit.” That was my first reaction reading the synopsis. Its amazing. I love how the whole premise is set in a futuristic world. Although there is scope for improvement in the grammar, I like the overall dynamics of the characters.
Reveal Spoiler
This novel is out of this world ngl, I personally live the world building and this OP FUTURE, I MEAN THEY GOT EVERYTHING, the only thing I haven't seen a SUN IN A BOM BOX but hey everything else is there, EVEN AN ANTIMATTER BOMB💀.Overall I have enjoyed this novel and I have to say, AUTHOR BETTER KEEP WRITING, CAUSE MAN YOU ARE GOATED.
great world background, altough the writing style is too bulked up, but hey its still ch 5, it still can be improved ! the pacing isnt the best, but we still have a long way to go
Reveal Spoiler