Far Too Ordinary A Morning

Alone in the kitchen, there stood a man.

Sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his dark, shoulder-length hair tied back, an expression of utmost concentration dominated his face.

"Alright. 'Step 1: Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.' Sounds simple enough... wait, what the hell is 'medium-high'? There's no indicator...? Hold on..."

Opening a new tab on his phone browser, the man searched for a minute.

"...'Medium-high heat is the temperature between medium and high.' No fucking way, are you kidding me? Who the hell wrote this shi-- oh, I see. 'On a 6-point stove, between 4 and 5'. Tsk."

Turning the knob on the stove to the specified degree, he returned to the guide―at which point, he heard the sound of a door open behind him, alongside the waning of a yawn.

"Oh! Enki, been a while. How's Christmas been to ya?"