Wen Ran gathered himself, bowing to the bald man with a fake smile. He wanted to kill him right there and then, but he knew better than to act on his emotions. Patience was key, and he was well aware it would pay off in the future. Despite his clothes being in tatters and his body covered in blood, he managed to maintain his pride. He passed the man and soon exited the cell, following Luo Feng.
"Junior brother, you've suffered far too much. I will find justice for you, I promise," Luo Feng said suddenly, after they had walked a little further from the bald cultivator. A strange smile appeared on his face, one that seemed genuine, but there was something about it that hinted at deeper, hidden secrets.
"Senior brother, that's unnecessary," Wen Ran shook his head. He didn't want to be indebted to anyone. Even if he were, he wasn't the type to rush to repay instantly unless there were clear benefits to him in the situation.