Confrontation 3

Octavius had a habit of letting Void roam free in any animal form Void desired before bed. It was a way to give Void some autonomy and not make him feel too controlled or tamed. By doing so, Octavius aimed to preserve the delicate balance in their bond.

On the fateful day of the purification rites, Octavius was roused from his contemplative state by Void's gentle whispers in his ear, urging him to wake up. 

Though he hadn't been truly asleep, Octavius's mind had been preoccupied with strategizing his approach to the impending rites. As Void's soft promptings pierced his reverie, Octavius sat up, his thoughts refocusing on the day's events.

[Get up, you've got to see something,]

"What?" Octavius asked, his brow furrowing in confusion, as Void - in Amy's sleek cat form - darted out of the room without waiting to see if he would follow.

[Hurry, ] Void's voice echoed in Octavius's mind, the urgency clear despite the feline vessel.