The Shadow Ancestor

Lian was still trying to catch his breath, leaning against the wreckage of the broken door, when he heard a voice ahead of him. Unlike the others that had haunted him since his arrival at that castle, this one was not a distorted whisper trying to devour his sanity. It was firm, deep, and carried a weight he couldn't define. 

"You shouldn't have entered so soon." 

Lian immediately lifted his head, his eyes scanning the room. His hand instinctively tried to summon Oblivion, but nothing happened. 

His heart beat faster. 

Oblivion… was silent. 

He felt an emptiness inside him. As if the sword, or whatever it truly was, had disappeared. Even though he could still use his shadows to fight, not having Oblivion's presence left a void in his soul. Lian didn't like this feeling; he didn't want to be dependent on something he didn't even understand. 

The voice chuckled softly. 

"You still don't trust me, boy?"