Chapter 4 Book 5

Chapter 4

Rules and Responsibilities

Part 1

You can't go through life without rules and responsibilities. If you think you can. You are living in a different reality than the rest of us. I closed my eyes not wanting to look at those hateful eyes when I looked at Shawn from across the tub. Not only did I not want him here, I knew without a doubt he did not want me here either. No one wanted to make the first move as he waited for someone to either beat him or release him from his torment. Dad had set the rules, and I did not like them.

The only thing that saved me was I was a boy, and he was a boy. Mom and Dad made it clear that he wasn't allowed to be anywhere near another boy, even more so under this roof. Yet it did not mean Clara was safe or our mothers. I cringed as Clara made the first move as she pulled Shawn into a kiss. I watched as he only did the bare minimum because, like me; he feared the monster inside of Dad.

I knew the moment their lips touched that there was no passion behind it. It was just a kiss, nothing more than she released him, and I watched his unreadable face. There was no emotion, there was nothing. He did not put his arms around her. He did not even return the kiss. I saw the hurt in her eyes as if she expected to find that small spark that said. Hey, I am alive.

It was like watching him go through the motions as she leaned him up against the tub and trailed her tongue down his bare chest. It was like watching her make out with a boy blow-up doll, as much emotion as he showed her. He did not moan when she bit softly on his nipples. He did not even bury his face in her breasts or cup them to his mouth. It angered me as I looked down at his crotch, noticing he wasn't even hard yet. In fact, it wasn't even close to being stiff. I couldn't take it any longer. No girl deserves to be treated like the way he was treating her. I decided to break the rules, well pushing the boundaries a bit.

I splashed my way over to Charlie; he had told me he prefers Charles now since we are now Juniors in high school and said it makes him sound more mature. I knew I did not have to ask permission because he was my best friend. I pulled over next to Shawn, just enough to give him a good view. The second I pulled Charles into a kiss, he put his arms around me, deepening it. I leaned him over the tub as I came up between his legs, and whispered for him to play follow the leader.

Like best friends, he understood what I was doing, letting my eyes point toward Shawn and his sister. He realized quickly that I wanted to make Shawn feel something even if it was only a fake reality. We both knew he was into boys making out. We both watched as Shawn's eyes, as he started to salivate as we toyed with his emotions.

I slowly trailed my tongue down Charlie's chest, reaching his nipples. He acted as if that was the best thing in the world as he moaned, arching his back just a little then playing with my hair with his fingers, pushing me slowly down further as I reached his penis. The moment I put it in my mouth Shawn's penis stiffened. Causing the emotion I wanted. I took my time as I made love to Charles' penis, giving the time Clara needed to as she quickly understood what I was doing. She mouthed thank you to me and her brother.

The look on Dad's face said he was angry, not at me and Charles, but at Shawn, because it took me and my best friend to get him aroused when he had a real live naked girl at his fingertips, and that did not excite him. Just like that, the anger was gone as my adoptive Mom whispered in his ear, whatever she said the anger quickly went away. I watched him move over to my mother and pull her into his arms and kiss her like my father should have done if they were still in love with each other. I felt a pang of sadness knowing the only love she would get would be from someone else who wasn't my father.

Even though Charles did not need grooming, I chose to groom him, anyway. To give Clara the time she needed so she could groom Shawn and have sex with him. Even though the sex would mean nothing because in his reality he was pleasuring another boy in his mind. True, Mom could have done it or even Dad, but they would only do it if they did not have a choice.

They have closed up their hearts to Shawn and Arthur, a wall so thick and so big, that not even a sledgehammer or a stick of TNT could scratch it. I did not agree with the rules they were forcing upon him. Yet he needed to be punished for his action. Death wasn't the answer, and I knew down deep they knew that.

When I finished grooming Charles, I let him do the same for me including stimulating each other orally, only going to the brink. To give Clara the chance to have sex with Shawn as she rode him like a stallion, doing it quick and dirty knowing that second her brother and I stopped.

Shawn's reality would be shattered, and he would no longer be excited. Like us, Shawn had been given two horny pills and possibly three or more. Mom and Dad needed this to work, or they would have no choice to but to kill him. Or send him to home for boys or prison if he raped another boy and that included his brothers.

I watched as Clara climbed off him as if the dream of his reality shattered as he slipped back into the tub; he seemed horrified at first, realizing what he had just done. Fearing he was about to be punished, then the anger was back as he realized we had tricked him and toyed with his emotions as his eyes lingered on me and Charles.

He growled. "I have had better sex with Arthur, even more so with Jason. In fact, I can still taste Jonathan when I fucked the shit out of him for the very first time. His screams still echo as he realized I was taking him to heaven as I opened him up that very tight ass and gave him what he really wanted. It was the same with Jason and Jared. I am surprised that you haven't had the guts to try it."

I stood up and was about to knock that silly grin off his face. Until Dad stopped me, picked me up, and flung me away from him. Instead of me beating him Dad picked him up out of the water and said. "How dare you relish in your crimes? I will not tolerate your mouth any longer." Dad manhandled him out of the room. I heard the sound of the belt as I jumped, knowing the sound and the feeling on bare flesh. Mom quickly closed the door and turned on the radio. I took deep controlled breaths to prevent an episode, but it wasn't enough.

Clara knew that sex was the best way to keep me grounded. I did not ask how she knew that because there were no more secrets. I felt her as she quickly straddled me and put me inside of her. Mom quickly grabbed the box of condoms and ripped the package open. She did not know how much time I had before I climaxed. She was counting on me to stay focused on Clara as she made love to me. I hadn't realized she had even stopped as I shifted from one reality to the other. Feeling the cattail as it ripped open my bare skin as relived my first day in this very room.

I jumped and screamed as the whip hit me. I could see the anger in Dad's eyes as the monster took over. I shifted as I felt each hard thrust. I felt each kiss as we rocked back and forth. It was several minutes before I stayed in my reality, breathing hard and fast. I saw blood on my fingertips, where I had dug deep across my arms as if I were ripping the skin off my bones. No one said anything as Mom and Clara patched me up. It wasn't as bad as has been the cuts were barely surface scrapes. I was spent as I felt my anger because I could not control an episode.

If it wasn't for Clara and her fast thinking, I could have really hurt someone, as she held me in her arms, telling me. I was safe, and no harm was going to come to me. When she wiped my tears away, I kissed her hard and passionately, telling her. "Thank you for saving me from hurting anyone here,"

She whispered in my ear and said that it was the best sex she had ever had. I nibbled on her ear and said. "Wait until I get you on the bed."

She calmly said to everyone. "It seems my little warrior wants to make love to me all night long."

Both my mother's giggled, telling me goodnight. I waited for the shoe to drop, telling me no, that I wasn't allowed to sleep with girls who were not my sisters. No one said a word except goodnight, as Clara dried me off as my brother Jared followed me and my best friend.

When I opened my bedroom door, Sparky was waiting for me. Dad reminded me I had school in the morning. Like I could forget. Clara pulled down the covers and slipped herself into my bed. She looked yummy as I reached for my own box of condoms from off my table.

I quickly said. "Now where were we?" as Dad closed the door as I heard a mechanical sound locking me safely inside. Clara lay down as I climbed between her legs. Life was good again with a pair of breasts in my hands and a warm wet sweet spot to pleasure in any way I wanted. The fact Jared and Charles lay next to us seemed like a dream. I felt safe in my room. I felt safe because I was home. I felt loved knowing everyone in my room loved me. Nothing else mattered as I made sweet love to all of them as we christened my brand-new bed.

I don't remember when I had fallen asleep. I all remembered I really needed to pee, and I was starving to death as my stomach rumbled, smelling fresh sausages and blueberry waffles. I looked at the clock and jumped, seeing the time. My bedroom door opened and there she was the most beautiful thing in the world, that I had thought it must have been a dream. Seeing Clara standing in my doorway naked.

I tell you there is nothing in the world that could make a sixteen-year boy happy seeing a naked girl walk towards him. She leaned over and kissed me, telling me she couldn't wait to tell all her girlfriends at school all about me. I should have taken it as a warning, but my body hormones did not register it at the time. All I could think about was how I wanted those breasts. Cupping them both in my hands only to watch them slip away from me as she giggled teasing me to follow her.

Being naked at home with my adoptive family was no big deal. In fact, it was so normal that if we saw each other without our clothes on, it would seem that we were still fully clothed, as I followed my dream girl into the shower, passing everyone. Dad and Mom said good morning to me, but all I could see were those amazing breasts and that cute little bare butt of hers.

It wasn't until I was showered and was sitting at the table that I noticed everyone as they all seemed happy, very happy to have me home. Well, except for Arthur and Shawn, as they looked like death warmed over, dressed, and ready. Waiting for the van to come to take them to school, dressed in their secondhand worn-out clothing.

The first thing I noticed was Mr. and Mrs. Hastings weren't there. Not that it surprised me any because they both worked during the day so they both could be home for their children. Even Dad had to work, but only half a day and half a day on Saturday. Unless he needed the extra hours, he would work both days; only taking Sunday off and leaving when he was caught up at the halfway house for young teens. He seemed happier ever since he quit his job at the prison. He seemed like a whole different person when he came home. Instead of always being angry or getting upset over the little things.

The money was good, and they paid him a lot more, with the benefits, of taking time off whenever he wanted. Or have shorter days so he could spend time with his family. He works more during the school year than he does during the summer. It was a win-win situation. If I believed in God's divine help. I would say Mom and Dad's prayers were answered when this job fell into his lap.

I did not have to hurry like I would have if we stayed at my mother's house and would take less time to get to school because I had my own transportation versus riding my bike. Yet it did not mean I did not have responsibilities, because like Shane it was now my responsibility to take my two brothers to and from school.

I may not have sports practice today, but Jason and Jared did. We may be in the same sports together, but they were with the younger boys in their age group. This meant sometimes our days alternated, like today Jared and Jason's swim team would have orientation like I did yesterday. Not that it mattered, because we would both get out at the same time once everything was in full swing. I was just in a hurry to surprise my best friends with my new sex truck.

Yet they too had responsibilities. For one, Greg wouldn't get off work until four or four-thirty. I had still had homework to do before I could even think about driving up there and getting him. Sometimes I hated rules; I was already wishing it was still the beginning of summer. Yet it was only the second day of school.

My mother quickly took her seat at the table next to me. She was dressed and ready for the day after taking a nice, long, hot shower. Many times, she has told me she wished she had one as I did here. Instead of a tub and shower, now she'll dream about having her own tub room. Both would never happen, for two simple reasons, one my father did not make as much money as my Mom and Dad did.

Second, my father would never allow it in his house. The shower maybe, but not a tub big enough for the entire family to bathe in one all at the same time. I know for a fact he would have gone nuclear if he knew what we did last night in that great big tub.

As always, we said our family morning prayer; it was like the floodgates opened up as everyone ran around the house with their heads cut off as Mom and Dad quickly kissed us all goodbye. Nothing more than a simple kiss on the cheek as Mom makes sure we all have everything. Making sure I had Sparky tied up with plenty of food and water. This time telling me to drive carefully as I take everyone to school, as we all dog-pile into Shane's truck, causing my younger brothers to sit on Charles and Clara's lap.

The school wasn't far unlike it used to be when I went to Lehi High School as I dropped off my brothers, telling them where I would be picking them up afterward. Their school was about a block or two from American Fork High School. They would hitch a ride with one of their friends afterward, to make it to practices. It's hard to believe how my roles have changed; now being their older brother, trying to fill Shane's big shoes.

It wasn't until I parked that reality hit me. That I was no longer a child or young teenager with small problems, like how I looked in the mirror or how the world ended when I found a pimple the size of King Kong. Or what do I say when I run into a girl I really like? For the very first time, I suddenly grew up. Having Clara took my hand as I carried her backpack to her locker as she leaned me against the locker and kissed me while the students walked down the busy hallway.

It was when I heard a little girl gasp when she released me, sending me and her brother on our way. Yes, today was a new day I was growing up, and I wasn't that awkward little boy anymore. I was now a grown-up, so I had thought as my reality crushed me from a high to a low as some bully, one of Shawn's old friends pushed me out of their way on purpose telling me. "Go back to where you came from retard. You don't belong here."