Chapter 22-2 Book 5

Chapter 22-2

Life Is Messy

Part 2

I quickly dressed in a waist robe just like my brothers and my friends. The day was ours, mostly. Other than the fact I still had a paper to write and help Jake with his. Nothing could change that, no matter how much we grumbled it still would be due on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I wasn't going to let Crawford, and his pals control my life. I wanted them to know that I wasn't afraid, well maybe just a little, but I wasn't going to let my friends and family know that.

I took a seat next to Mom and my brothers as lunch was served out on the patio. Sparky had found himself a new friend, a little white poodle whose name was Dutch's, which belonged to Billy. Landan had set up a little dog run for each of them, so neither of them had to be locked up in our rooms or chained up. Letting them get acquainted in their own little private paradise where they wouldn't get into trouble.

The family cat was safely secure inside Jake's and Billy's room lounging on the bed most likely. While their parrot sunned himself out on the patio on a long pole eating bird seed. While the rest of us feasted on fried chicken and all the accompanying dishes.

Paul was the only one not happy because his wife Jennie decided to come instead of sitting home wondering what kind of trouble Paul was getting into. She and her little family were all wearing comfortable robes, while Paul was wearing workman overalls. He seemed bored because all the girls and women were perfectly decent compared to last night.

Stringham said. "Now that everyone has rested, we can decide how we're going to handle this mess we are in. I have surveyed the damage of Linda's house and believe that we can have it all back to order in a couple of days, or three at the most. With little paint here and there and replace the damaged carpets.

"I am personally sending the bill to Crawford and let those that caused the mess in the first place pay for all the damages now that we have a list of the people that might have done it. And if they weren't. I am pretty sure they will soon be held responsible because they will know who was," he said as he took several bites.

Landan came forward and whispered in Mr. Stringham's ear having him say "Excellent! Linda and her two daughters have arrived and are now being shown to their rooms. I have decided it was better that Susan and Becky be here rather than put another burden on Mrs. Cranny and her family, and where I can personally keep an eye on them.

"I have had Landan move our boys and their families to more suitable rooms where they will be more comfortable and give their rooms to Linda and her two daughters. I find the view breathtaking up there and peaceful after a long hard day and I expect for some of us that's all we are going to see until we can get things back to normal."

Personally, I thought nothing would ever be normal again. All I had to do was look at Susan as she sneered at us as my mother prodded her along, telling her she will not take any more lip from her. Unlike the rest of the girls, Susan and Becky were wearing nice dresses and long white socks and sneakers. My mother, too, had not changed her clothes since last night; she was still wearing a plain button-down blouse and stretch pants. Susan was forced to sit at the table right beside her, with Becky occupying the seat on the other side.

Becky and my mother gave us each a warm smile, watching the servant set down a plate for them. My mother apologized for their late arrival and said she had been detained. Susan growled. "Detained my ass. If it wasn't for you and your so-called friends, we could have been free of you and our God damn mother, who is nothing more than a whore, and a very bad mother that no one wants." 

The parrot squawked. "Elvis has left the building," hearing the trigger word. God.

Mom reached over and slapped her. Mr. Stringham said. "That's quite enough young lady. You will learn to hold your tongue and show your mother some respect. She loved you enough to go get you and bring you back. Landan, I believe this young lady is not hungry and is ready to be put to work in the kitchen. If you would please escort, her there so the rest of us can enjoy the rest of our meal." 

Susan gasped and said. "What the "hell?"

The parrot squawked again, hearing the trigger word. Hell. "Great Balls of Fire!"

Susan stood angrily and said. "I am not your "God" damn slave."

The parrot squawked and said. "Elvis has left the building,"

Landan pulled her by the arm nearly dragged her away. My mother apologized said. "She got that mouth from her father."

Stringham said. "And from you, and for letting her keep it. I have a mind to let her sleep outside with our two troublemakers Shawn and Arthur. With nothing more than a sleeping bag. Instead of a nice comfortable room and bed." I groaned inwardly. That just made my day knowing Susan and Becky were here, as well as Shawn and Arthur.

Talk about big mistakes, yet where else could they go where they couldn't cause any trouble? Stringham must have seen our faces when he announced that our two problem boys were here, blurted. "Shawn and Arthur will remain in there "cages."

And the parrot squawked. "Let's get ready to rumble." Hearing the trigger word. Cages.

Jake apologized for his bird said he could move him… if he liked him too. Stringham gave him a nod, said. "No need. I am finding him very entertaining," and continued on and said. "Shawn and Arthur will not be anywhere near our boys, which was the other reason why I moved you boys to better quarters, so there will be less of a chance for them to cause any trouble.

"Paul will be keeping Shawn on a very short leash during their stay here as part of his cleaning crew. So, he'll be gone most of the day. I'd send Arthur with him, but I have been told it's not worth the headache. So, he'll just be here, working in the kitchens next to Susan. It will be a match made in heaven." He laughed as he leaned back in his chair.

Becky said. "Well, that sounds just peachy. Susan has been looking for a new "boyfriend."

The parrot squawked, "Ride 'em cowboy." Hearing the trigger word. Boyfriend.

Mom said. "Somehow, I don't think your sister will find him very attractive. Once she learns that he prefers little boys. Not girls."

Becky gasped, then giggled and killed over, laughing like a hyena. Everyone else couldn't figure out what was funny until Becky said "sorry," and stopped laughing. "I was just thinking about how Susan prefers neither boy nor girl these days, other than her own hand stimulating herself." Becky blushed and said. "I, on the other hand, like all boys and a girl's sweet spot now and again."

Dad smiled and said. "Don't we all." Causing everyone to laugh, well except Paul being the only one that didn't get it watching Jennie lean over and explain the joke.

Paul blushed, then said. "Well, I like both when I can get it."

No one laughed. instead Stringham said. "Well then, now I believe you boys have some homework to do, and Paul why don't you get busy cleaning those carpets while those rooms are empty? And Dave and I will see about finding you some more help. Mr. Rothwell, I believe I will take you up on your offer regarding your contacts of wayward boys, that seem to be as you say have a little bit too much time on their hands."

Dad grinned and said. "I have just the boys in mind, and a few girls."

Jennie said. "No girls. I don't want to worry about Paul not bending them over and ripping their clothes off."

Paul gasped. "Jennie, I would never do that, and you know it."

Jennie rolled her eyes and said. "Oh yes, you would. After all, Paul, it's not the first time I have caught you in bed with another woman when you are supposed to be working."

Paul said. "It was one time, Jennie, and she seduced me first. What was I supposed to do when she dropped her robe in front of me, showing me, she was naked and very horny?"

Jennie said. "You could have said no and walked out the door. Instead, you screwed her and came home with perfume and lipstick on your clothes and your penis. "Hell!"

When she said "hell" the parent squawked; "Great Balls of Fire."

Jennie stood and yelled, ignoring the parrot's comments and said. "You didn't even charge her for cleaning her carpets! And thought it was funny when she called me, asking me to sign her up for the special bedroom package! Having me ask what that bedroom package was, thinking I was your secretary and not your wife!

"When I told her, she said you said you were single and didn't have a wedding ring on your finger. So, the answer is no. In fact, if I find you screwing another woman behind my back again our marriage is over! "God!" damn it! You hear me over?"

The parrot squawked, "Elvis has left the building."

Jennie got up from the table and apologized and left Paul sitting there. No one said anything there was nothing to say. I thought my parents had their problems, but this was a new twist on adultery. That this is why Mom and Dad and the people like them don't hide secrets. Or the fact they have sex with other couples, and certainly not behind their backs.

I had thought Paul was a dick and a jackass before. He just proved it when he yelled. "Fine! If you want to bring up who I can have sex with or who I can't! You should know she wasn't the only one! That's right! I have been with several women over the past year just because you refused to give me what I want and when I want it! So instead of doing it behind your back, I am going to do it in front of you! Just the way I did with Linda! And if I remember right, you enjoyed it as much as I did!"

Mom looked at me and my brother Aaron. Becky smiled said. "Why doesn't that surprise me, and here all this time I thought Mom was only screwing Dave and possibly Mr. Kinsley."

My mother gasped and said, "Becky, Paul's lying. I never had sex with him, nor did I have sex with anyone besides your father." My mother stood up and slapped him across the face and quickly ran off crying.

Jennie growled. "Damn it, Paul! You are so inconsiderate! Get the "hell" out of my sight! And don't come anywhere near me! Or I will kill you, so help me "God!" And ran after my mother.

The parrot squawked. "Great Balls of Fire, Elvis has left the building."

I cringed, looking at Aaron and said. "Aaron, Mom isn't―?"

Aaron said, cutting me off. "I don't care, you hear me. I don't care if Mom is having sex with "God!" After the way Dad has treated her and us. She can have sex with anyone she likes, as far as I am concerned."

Aaron quickly ran off towards the house as the Parrot squawked. "Elvis has left the building."

I was about to follow him when my adoptive Mom told me to let her handle it. I nodded, gave a heavy sigh, and said, "just peachy."

Becky smiled as she slid closer to Billy said taking his hand and placed it under her dress and giggled. "I am not wearing any underwear."

Stringham said. "I believe you boys have homework." Removing Billy's hand from under Becky's dress. "And you, Becky, you have chores to do. I suggest you get changed and get to it."

Becky pouted said. "I know, but why? When it was Susan and my father's fault?"

Stringham said. "Because you didn't say no when you could have. Before you got into the car with them. When you could have run to the neighbors, instead you didn't. You lied to the cops instead of telling them about what your father was doing. Instead, you lied and told them you were going to a friend's house."

Becky gasped and said. "If I told them the truth, my father would find out and would have killed me. I had no choice but to go with them."

I yelled. "Becky! You always have a choice! And I know for a fact he has never laid a hand on you or Susan! So don't you dare tell us he would have killed you, or beat you when he hasn't ever touched you in your entire life?" I quickly got up and left, and the boys followed me inside.

My adoptive Mom was sitting on the steps with Aaron, telling him my mother never had sex with Paul or anyone else, that Paul was just trying to get under everyone's skin. She crossed her heart and Aaron looked at me and I took a seat next to him and said. "Mom's right. Aaron, you can trust me, and you know I would never lie to you."

Aaron looked at me and said. "I know… it's just that Mom has lied to me in the past."

I nodded and said. "I know she has, but trust us, if she had we would tell you. And I am telling you she hasn't. Paul's just being a dick."

My adoptive Mom nodded and said. "Why don't we go find Jared and Jason and go for a swim? It's a nice day, no reason for you to be cooped up inside when you could be having tons of fun. Hell, I'll even race you to the pool." Mom took off her robe and pulled Aaron with her as they ran out to the pool. Yelling to my three brothers and the Cranny kids to come with them.

I hated lying to my brother, but what choice did I have? I promised my mother that I wouldn't tell my father or Aaron. It would be her secret to tell. But Paul was right. Eventually, Aaron was going to find out. I really hoped by then my parents would be back together before that happened. I had very little hope that they would and was really afraid that our secret would tear our family or what's left of it apart.