Intergalactic Romance

Kyle was right to panic.

He knew about this Orcish royalty because his older brother worked for the Ministry back in the Capital.

It was Princess Tharkira Zulgara of the Pyroan Orcs who was mainly referred to as Princess Kira.

The last time they made a deal for precious ores, his elder brother was almost hospitalized due to stress.

You see, The Pyros Galaxy had been relatively safe from corruption due to the already harsh conditions that made travel rather tricky. Ideally, that would've been a bad thing, but not in light of the corruption problem. Difficulty in traveling meant that the contamination speed was also much slower. 

But this distance also made it difficult to control everything in the Pyros Galaxy fully. So, while officially it is subservient to the Empire of Solaris, the reality was much closer to a working partnership.