The Newest Crime Lord

Some say that when one door closes, another one opens. But really, some doors are meant to be kept closed—sealed, shut, buried, and forgotten, or maybe bombed for good measure.

But then again, leave it to humans to find ways to spice up life, like unleashing a corrupted ancient.


Oblivious to the stirrings below them, Dominic rushed toward the cave to hopefully complete the mission before the other teams could get to it. But instead of the fighting he was expecting, Dominic was greeted with screams echoing through the cavern.

Then he saw it—a hulking monstrosity of chitinous limbs partly covered by black ooze. 

Its massive legs were claw-like, sharp, and riddled with veins of dark corruption that continued through its grotesque form. The stench was a gagging mix of minerals and corruption that had Dominic flinching in fear.