Ollie tried his best not to look too constipated. Technically, Luca's strategy would have been acceptable if he had compared the same products.
The catch was that products like his would never see the light of day. Never would such items get to the Star Mall of all places.
Mercenary Guilds were usually sent out to unchartered planets to look for such items. While those that powerful families had kept were rarely sold, when they were, it'd be via an auction.
50,000 Star coins a piece. That should've been the base price. Even now, that was the base price for those with almost negligible spiritual essence.
But what Luca was selling at his online store was something that had never been seen before.
Others would argue that he was just making this up, but he was a Mylor. He sure as hell sucked at everything else, but not with this! His family owned several auction houses, and Ollie knew just how vast the quality gap was.