New Shuttle

D-29 watched as the Host finally found something relatively affordable.

After some time of staying beside its Host, Luca, it had never seen him consider anything as cheap.

The little system couldn't understand this for now, but eventually, it would realize that, like most humans, its Host had a spending problem: overspending was only a problem when spending it on oneself!

But D-29 decided to drop a wedge on Luca's grandiose spending!

"Host, that is actually expensive!" D-29 shocked Luca, who was about to make a huge mistake!

"You're saying this is expensive? How could that be?" Luca was actually basing it on how much Ollie spent when they first shopped for these materials. He heard a lot of zeroes and decided to close his ears. The poor money-grubber wasn't ready for the amounts he was hearing!

But D-29 just said these were expensive?