
A strange situation kicked off what was supposed to be a day of fighting for plausible freshmen recruits.

However, some of the most eligible students couldn't care less about the sign-ups because they were trying to survive the gazes of everyone else.

Now, the actual subjects were so busy with being in their two-person world that it was up to the three additional wheels to school their facial expressions.

We should act like it was totally normal, right? Ollie was practically sending telepathic messages to Kyle with his hair antenna.

Right. Kyle just pursed his lips as he remembered how he started all of it.

While it was harder for these two to sit still, Jax didn't find the whole ordeal difficult. 

He had more important things to think about, like asking Luca if he could plant a few crops for himself. Even just one pot would do!

But he'd have to wait a bit, as the person in question was still a bit too busy.