Public Display of Stress

It could have been worse.

He could've died.

No, wait. That would've been better in preserving what little honor he still had.

But Xavier could only choke, his usually overpowering powers and constitution clearly working against him at this point.

Why would Luca say that, of all things?! What about saying thank you like a normal person? But what even was normal?

Technically, Luca was kind enough not to exclaim it. He was rather reverent in murmuring it to Xavier that it should've just been heard by him and the teachers close by.

But that would be the case if they hadn't been studying in a school with all these spiritually blessed people.

So, of course, there were suddenly clanging tableware, coughing fits, and definitely a few spurts of blood.

Xavier also felt like bleeding. He could understand. His organs probably wanted to have internal bleeding right then and there, if not for Luca's expectant face.