Guild Agenda

Who needed sleep?

Apparently, everyone.

Everyone had to sleep. 

And if the tortoise, now dubbed Tortie, hadn't been sleeping for nearly half the day, then even he would've been forced into slumber.

Because their guild leader learned too fast and decided that everyone would have clarity and enlightenment after napping in the space.

Granted, even D-29 took that to heart and decided that systems needed to sleep. And was even more convinced of its importance once it successfully devised a suggestion that ultimately pleased everyone.

They were holding a meeting today, and it was to discuss the increasing number of concerns.

Which were mostly solvable with Star coins and, most definitely, CP.

Luca was amazed at how everybody had a contribution and seemed to have looked into things that he thought he would have to check.


Xavier was right about sleep!

Maybe everyone needed more time!