They're Not a Bright Bunch

Lariette didn't know what got to her but, Damien's continuous accusation snapped the thin thread of her patience. She flung the knife to the trashy man without a second thought.

Well, it seemed like her fondness for throwing darts, and the occasional archery, paid off. She managed to scare the trash with her skill.

Ah~ How satisfying.

Damien was still scared shitless. His mouth gaped open as he tried to retort but, no words came out of it. Colors had yet to return to his face.

Shrugging, Lariette spoke without filtering her words, "I feel sorry for your mistress so I didn't aim for your puny dick. Well, she'll run off to another man soon. You don't have much to offer, to be frank."

Lariette's remarks scandalized Damien. The red color of shame heated his previously pale face. Shaking in anger, his chest rose and fell at a rapid rate while his finger pointed at her.

"Y-you! How vulgar! You..."

"HAHAHA! Wow~ That's so funny!"