Waking Up


On the bed in his room, Zlatan's eyes flew open upon hearing a familiar voice. His gaze fixed above, he could see a face, one he couldn't recognize as it had been years since he'd seen it- and much more since he recalled it being so young. 'Belle?'


He watched without blinking as she slammed into him, her arms and legs outstretched. However, though his body bore the impact of her weight, he felt nothing at all, no pain of any sought. This only brought a single thought into his mind.

'This is not real, it's a dream and I don't want to have it.'

Shutting his eyes, all he wanted was to remain as everyone he ever knew was- dead. There was nothing he could do about it- he wasn't feeling any part of his body anyway. 

"Brother is so bouncy!!" The voice came again. Yet all he did was ignore it, as he tried to reach out to whatever would take him out of this dream before it tortured him.