A Hard Reset

'This is only a dream.' Zlatan thought to himself, glancing around the table in the familiar dining hall which he could recall being the same as back when he was alive. 

'I need to get out of it, but how?'


"Everyone is gone. Time to get out of here, I can't bear any of this anymore." Zlatan mumbled to himself, climbing up the bed or at least trying to do so.

'Why do I feel so heavy?' He groaned, finally getting on it after several attempts. Standing up on the bed, all five feet of him, he carefully got to the foot of the bed. Creaking with each step he took despite how bouncy it was, and though it had been made to take on his entire weight.

'I'll be a goner with this.' A smile crept up his face as with one more step, he got on the footboard. 


The part of the footboard he had positioned his leg on broke off, the exact moment he raised the other to get on it. 
