An Escape–3

In the open streets, one which was less busy as it wasn't the main ones, yet led to them. Six figures could be seen, two older with the others around the same age nearing thirty years.

"Bastard! You think you can bump into me and get away." One of the two kicked and stomped on another who did nothing but coil up to protect his vital parts. He soundlessly took their beating, with no tears, no attempt to fight back and no blame towards them.

'They were right, I'm a bastard and that word was much more said than my name, there's no need to remind me.' He had just wanted to grab a few sticks of his favourite gizzards with the bronze coins he'd earned from a side job he'd taken on alongside the others.

The streets had been crowded and as it was a popular joint, he needed to hurry. However, it was an accident yet these nobles just had to track him down here to thrash him up— if that was all they even wanted.

'Was mercy erased from their brains?'