An Old Friend


A creak was heard as the door slid open, and a figure entered the room.

"Oh my my, aren't you adorable Thelly. Fast asleep here of all places— so venerable."

The shapely figure sat down next to her, cupping Thelma's cheeks and brushing her hair to the side. The figure spoke out though the words said were barely about a whisper. 

"So innocent."

"When these eyes open up, the angel just disappears. Haa, you've achieved more than I would have—I'm glad." The figure got comfortable beside her, relaxing on the flooring as much as possible. "You taught me one thing, I'd always remember it— always."


"Catch them!!" Voices were heard yelling out as a group of knights gave chase to a bunch of kids. They were misfits of society and this was just one of the days they went about their petty missions— yet what they'd done, surely deserved the company they had gotten.