A Hero's Secret

Winter sat underneath a large tree, letting the wind blow her long brown hair about while she was nose-deep in her favorite book which had been written by the author who goes by the name, "Juniper Coriander". The name of the book never left her mind and anyone who knew her, knew that she absolutely loved this book to death. Winter knew that she would have to head home soon since the sun would be setting soon but she was enjoying her time reading this book. In the distance, Winter could hear people celebrating in town, it was odd that they were celebrating but not unheard of. They were always celebrating something in town, and even though Winter often missed out on the celebrations, she always had fun with her friends or just reading a book. She turned the page, giggling at the interaction between the characters within the book when she heard her name being called. "Winter!" The young brunette lifted her head from her book, smiling when she spotted her best friend running up the hillside to come see her. His blonde hair waved wildly in the wind, some of the strands blowing wildly in his face. Behind him was his younger brother, he was always following him around as he never wanted to be left out of things.

"Quinn, what's gotten you so hyped up?" Winter put her book down on the ground and stood to her feet as he stood in front of her. The young man held up a hand telling Winter to wait a minute so he could catch his breath properly. "Evan, what's gotten Quinn so excited?" Winter turned her attention to her best friend's younger brother; he looked like a mini version of Quinn. The two siblings shared some of the same features, they shared the same blue eyes and even the same skin tone and hair color. The difference between the two of them is the way that they act, while Evan was more excitable and unserious, Quinn was the serious one. Quinn being the oldest in his family had to be, he took on taking care of the household when his father started traveling to make more money for the family. Winter thought that it was so cute that Evan followed Quinn around, her sisters would never do something like that. "I honestly have no idea. All I know is that something happened in town and then he came rushing home saying something about coming to see you. He didn't tell me anything." Evan explained, Winter turned her eyes back to Quinn as he finally stood up straight, a big smile broke out on his face as he looked at her. There were only a few times that Quinn ever got excited like this, usually it would involve one of their friends coming home to visit.

 "What is it? What's got you smiling like that?" Winter crossed her arms, "Did someone come to town?"

"Kiano." Was all he said.

"Wait… You mean our Kiano?! He came back?!" Winter shouted, "Yes, he just got into town."

"Oh my God, we have to go see him!!!" Winter grabbed Quinn's hands, holding them tightly as she started jumping up and down excitedly. "That's why everyone's celebrating right now! We must go see him now before it gets too late!" She was so happy to hear that he had come back as both she and Quinn had grown up with Kiano. He was the only one in their group who chose to travel and become a soldier whereas the rest of them stayed in town or moved away after being married off. "Who's Kiano?" Evan asked, the two of them looked down at Evan in shock. It was practically unheard of not to know who Kiano was in this town, after all, he is the main reason that they even still had possession over their town. "You don't know who he is?!!" Winter shouted, making Evan flinch. "Yah, yah… He's just a little kid, of course he doesn't know who Kiano is." Quinn waved his hand dismissively as he put a hand on her shoulder, "I'm not a little kid! I'm ten." Evan argued, "A ten-year-old is still a kid." Quinn argued, Evan just scoffed at his argument and shook his head.

"Oh, whatever." Evan rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively. "Will you two just tell me who this Kiano is?" Evan whined.

"Okay, okay." Winter let go of Quinn's hand and waved for Evan to follow them as they walked down the hill, "Kiano is one of the best soldiers trained by one of the Greek Goddesses, apparently he met Athena." Winter explained, "He met Athena?! You mean the goddess of war?" Evan looked at her in shock, he could not believe what he was hearing. Most of the time someone told him a story about some hero, they were overexaggerated and often fake. "Yes, he did. He's fought with a lot of demigods and even that large sea monster... What was it called?"

"You mean LEVIATHAN?!!! HE FOUGHT LEVIATHAN?!!!" Evan screamed; his eyes lit up brightly like a child getting their favorite present for the holidays. Evan had always wanted to know who defeated Leviathan, after all, that monster terrorized their entire region for more than a decade. Sailors often went missing or ended up dead, ships were sunk or came back with half of their crew. Quinn just chuckled at his brother's reaction. "Yes, he did. And he drove Leviathan off which is why nobody has seen that sea monster since." Quinn explained to his brother, with a big smile on his face. The three of us continued walking down the hillside talking about Kiano, "They even made a song in honor of Kiano, which you have probably heard before when people in town started talking about Kiano." Winter said and looked up at the sky, she was too excited to fully express how she was feeling at the moment as she talked to him.

"Wow, he really is a hero if someone has even made a song for him." Evan stated.

Eventually, the three of them made it into town, which was filled with life, laughter, and joy. Everyone was celebrating with drinks, dancing, and singing. A symphony of merriment filled the air as we stepped into a world brimming with celebration. Drinks flowed freely, their effervescence mirroring the infectious spirit that enveloped every corner. Dancers twirled in syncopated harmony, their graceful movements painting vivid strokes on the canvas of the night. Each step resonated with unrestrained bliss, casting aside inhibitions and inviting us to join their spirited revelry. Melodies intertwined with laughter, forming an ethereal chorus that echoed through the bustling streets. Songs soared high, carrying tales of triumph and love, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences that bound hearts together.

"They really went all out this time, didn't they?" The three of them stopped at a side corner, watching everyone else enjoy themselves. "Yeah, they did." A voice said, the three of us looked to the left and a big smile immediately was painted across Winter's face. She let out a happy scream when she realized who was standing there, "Oh my god, Mavis!!! You're here too!" She rushed over and launched herself at the beautiful young woman standing to the left of them, causing Mavis to start laughing as she hugged her back. Winter let out more happy squeals, making others around them look at her weird but she didn't care at the moment. Winter pulled back from the hug to take a look at the young woman she hadn't seen in some years, "I cannot believe you are really here! What brings you to our little corner of the world, Mavis?" She asked, "I heard about Kiano's return while traveling across the Atlantic. I figured that they would go all out for his return." Mavis looked out at the crowd, chuckling as some drunk man fell onto the floor in front of them. "What did he do this time?" Quinn asked, "Oh, you know..." Mavis shrugged and trailed off, "He fought a dragon and its master, saved a whole schoolyard of children from a deranged teacher, and fought off a power-hungry Demi god who's a love child of Poseidon." Mavis listed, crossing her arms as she leaned back. Evan gasped in shock, "Of course he did all that. I bet he did all that in one day." Quinn chuckled, shaking his head.

"He did." Mavis confirmed.

The men at the bar across from the group started to become rowdy as one started singing, this song that was now being sung was something that many loved to sing about Kiano.

"In the land of old, where tales unfold,

Stands a hero bold, with stories untold,

Kiano, the one with a heart of gold,

Roaming the wild, in search of tales to hold."

The first verse started off with just the men but as people around them began hearing the song, they decided to join in on the chorus.

"Kiano, oh Kiano,

A hero of adventure and action,

In the midst of melancholy,

His spirit seeks satisfaction."

One man stood up from his seat, waving his beer cup in the air, and sang the second verse, his cheeks slightly red from intoxication and a large smile beaming on his pale face.

"Through valleys deep and mountains high,

Kiano braves the open sky,

A quest for glory, a longing sigh,

His courage soars, though his heart does cry."

The men around him cheered, roaring with laughter and cheers.

"Kiano, oh Kiano,

A hero of adventure and action,

In the midst of melancholy,

His spirit seeks satisfaction."

Evan watched as more and more people gathered around the tavern's open doors to hear the song being sung, he stared in complete fascination as he heard the lyrics.

"Kiano yearns for what is right,

Seeking purpose in the endless night,

His soul ablaze, with burning light.

Kiano, oh Kiano,

A hero of adventure and action,

In the midst of melancholy,

His spirit seeks satisfaction."

Mavis, Quinn and Winter started laughing as two of the drunk men standing around started dancing with one another, more cheers and laughter erupting from those around them. They were happy to see so many people come together in complete happiness and joy, the year had been very hard on their little town.

"Kiano, our hero true, May your journey lead to something new, In the midst of melancholic hue, May you find peace and valor too…. YEAH!!" The song came to an end with men and women clinking their drink cups together, cheering loudly as someone started playing the piano in the corner.

"What do you think, Evan?" Winter asked, she looked down at the young boy who was staring at everyone in childlike wonder. "He sounds so cool!" He shouted, startling Mavis as Quinn chuckled at his brother. "There's another song that they made for Kiano back when he fought a demigod for the first time and won." Winter added, "Really? Can I hear it?"

"Quinn, if you don't mind." Winter smiled at her best friend, he chuckled and let out a sigh. "May I borrow this for a second?" He asked a random man who was playing a small and beautifully crafted wooden lute, the young man nodded and let Quinn take the Lute off his hands. Quinn cleared his throat, took a seat on the table beside him, and started strumming softly.

"Down yonder in ol' Kiano' town, where bravery burns like a sacred flame." Quinn started softly, his strumming catching the attention of the nearby people celebrating.

"A mighty dragon, wild and fierce,

Held the ol' town in its fiery sphere.

With flames a-leapin', Kiano stands tall,

Fearless and free, he answers the call.

A folk hero, a tale to be told,

Through his spirit, we'll conquer the bold."

More and more people became interested in Quinn's song and walked away from the Tavern to check it out, even some of the drunk men were listening quietly.

"Under moonlit skies, when shadows loom,

Kiano hears the children's cries of doom.

Gathered 'round, their fear takes flight,

Their valiant angel will bring back the light.

With flames a-leapin', Kiano stands tall,

Fearless and free, he answers the call.

A folk hero, a tale to be told,

Through his spirit, we'll conquer the bold."

Quinn's song had now caught the attention of someone very important that the town had been anticipating to show up, they all listened closely while one of the men in the tavern softly played the piano along.

"In every corner, the tales unfurled,

Kiano' rescue, like diamonds and pearls.

Stories passed on, from old to young,

Legends of heroes through songs are sung." Winter leaned on Mavis, staring lovingly and fondly at Quinn as he sang to the crowd of people.

"On his trusted steed, with heart of steel,

Kiano rides to face the dragon's ordeal.

With his sword gleaming, sharp and true,

He battles on, his courage shining through."

In the corner nearby, nobody had noticed that Kiano, the handsome young man that was being serenaded was actually listening to every word they sang. He couldn't help but smile at his childhood friend, though, he felt a pang of hurt when he saw the way Winter stared at Quinn. He had come back this time in hopes of winning her heart, which it seemed that Quinn had already won over.

"With flames a-leapin', Kiano stands tall,

Fearless and free, he answers the call.

A folk hero, a tale to be told,

Through his spirit, we'll conquer the bold."

Winter and Quinn shared a look, one of love and patience.

"Kiano' battle, forever engraved,

In our hearts, his bravery ne'er to fade.

A fearless soul, a symbol of pride,

In times of need, he'll be there by our side."

Quinn finished the song with soft words and soft strumming and when he was done, a roar of cheers erupted from the people around him. Quinn looked at Winter, the two sharing a smile and certain look in their eyes which Mavis couldn't help but think that it was absolute love for the two of them.

"That was amazing," Spoke a deep voice, Winter and the trio as well as everyone looked to the voice, and everyone was in complete awe.

"Oh my god, it's Lord Kiano!!!"

"YEAH!!!!" Once again, the crowd roared with cheers as Kiano smiled and made his way to the group. "Kiano!!!" Winter and Mavis threw themselves at their childhood friend, he had grown up to be so strong and handsome. "My goodness, look at you." Quinn chuckled, handing the lute back to the man he borrowed it from. He then got down from the table, waving for his brother to follow him as he walked over to Kiano. "It's good to see you Quinn," Kiano smiled, his green eyes showing affection for the young man standing across from him.

"It's good to see you too, Kiano." Quinn smiled, "You made it back just in time before December. I'm surprised."

"I know, I am as well. I didn't think my latest journey would end so early."

Winter chuckled at the comment, pulling away from Kiano. "You call that a journey?" She looked up at him, "Well, yes. I do."

"I heard you fought a dragon and defeated it. And then you went and saved an entire school of children, is it true?"

"Yes, indeed, I did." Kiano nodded, "Well, let's get some food in you. You must be starving after such a crazy journey." Mavis suggested, smiling brightly at him. Kiano smiled and the group headed off to eat, everyone celebrating and singing songs of joy. Kiano stood at the center of it all, his eyes shining with pride and gratitude. The people had gathered from far and wide, eager to honor the man who had conquered darkness and emerged as a beacon of hope. The festivities overflowed with vibrant colors, laughter, and music that echoed through the streets. There was no room for sorrow here, only an unyielding appreciation for life's precious moments. As Kiano moved through the crowd, he felt the warmth of love enveloping him from every direction. Each embrace carried a whispered thank you, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices he had made. At this moment, Kiano understood why celebrations of life were so powerful. They reminded us that even in the face of adversity, there is always light to be found. They allowed us to come together and celebrate the resilience of the human spirit, honoring those who had fought valiantly and emerged victorious. As the sun began its descent, casting golden hues across the sky, Kiano raised his glass in a toast to life itself. And in that shared moment of unity and joy, he knew that his journey had not been in vain.

The next morning, Kiano had woken up bright and early. He had slept over at Winter and her brother's place for the night since they had a room available. When he got out of bed, he noticed there was a note sitting on the desk that sat on the left-hand side of the room. Kiano walked over to the desk and picked up the letter, reading what was written on it. The letter read,

"If you think that your town is truly safe from evil then you are very stupid. Darker things are to come and you, most of all, are going to need the helping hands of everyone in your town. Maybe you'll be exposed for the fraud you truly are.

Come find me, Kiano. I'm waiting.

 Signed M."

Kiano took a deep breath, seeming slightly alarmed about this letter. He knew that something or someone was coming for him and his friends. He knew that telling everyone to evacuate the town without an explanation would be wrong. But something needed to be done. And it needed to happen now. Kiano left the room, tucking the paper in between a set of books sitting on the desk. He headed out of the room, quietly slipping out the front door without being noticed as he went to find the author of the letter he was sent. A few minutes later, Winter knocked on the door searching for Kiano. "Hey, I have some books in the room I need to return to the library. Is it okay to come in?" When she didn't get an answer, she opened the door. She looked around in surprise as she didn't see Kiano, "Huh? That's weird, he was in here earlier. Where did he go?" Not thinking too much about Kiano's sudden disappearance, she shrugged it off and grabbed the books on the desk. The note that Kiano had tucked away fell from between the books, which didn't go unnoticed by Winter. She picked up the note, reading it carefully and she was shocked at what it said.

"Kiano's a fraud?? What does that mean?" She questioned in her mind. Winter knew that she needed to talk to him when she found him, obviously, this note hinted at the idea that he wasn't the hero everyone thought he was.