



Normally, waking up to the rays of sunlight coming through your window should be a comfortable and refreshing feeling.



But in this case, this is not the situation, since thanks to last night I now have one.



A hangover, a pretty horrible hangover.



Which I won thanks to wanting to celebrate my newly regained freedom.



A celebration for which I made a great effort, even doing a lot of my work ahead of time during the day so I could have a quiet night without having to worry about what was to come the next day.



And frankly, it was a good night, I met up with old friends, drank some fun, and got a couple of people to spend the night with.



But sadly, the person who was supposed to be in my bed is no longer there. It seems that he just wanted something casual, or he just got carried away and ended up sleeping with me, probably cheating on his partner with me, and ended up running away.



– he didn't have to leave so quickly.



Something that would be a real shame because I really liked the girl, she was pretty, she had an authoritative but flirtatious attitude and above all she was fantastic in bed, you know passionate, flexible and capable of making a man feel like the king of the world by having her under him.



At least I would have liked her to have stayed a little longer or at least have given me a way to contact her, after all, it's been a long time since I found someone with whom I'm so compatible and with whom I think I'll have a relationship.



But it seems that this time it won't be like that, although I really know that that kind of relationship wouldn't really last, since I'm not the best kind of person to be in a long-term relationship.



After all, my job is one where I could die at any moment, and very few women would be willing to tie their lives to a man who cannot guarantee a future.



Being a violent and dangerous criminal who has already done horrible things is not many women's, and failing that, men's, ideal type, or one that makes the other person feel comfortable in a relationship, and while certain individuals are willing to enter into a relationship with someone like me, most of these individuals are not suited for a long-term relationship, and those that fit the bill are the equivalent of an endangered species that are snatched up as soon as it appears.



– At times like this I think I should get Kaden's looks and personality and try to have something with him, since lately I'm losing hope in finding the right person.



I can't help but sigh at this situation, because even though it sounds like a bit of a narcissist, I am extremely attractive, I am wealthy, I am good in bed, I can take care of myself and other people, a sexual prodigy, as well as being extremely charming and charismatic, so it seems strange to think that I have not yet found someone suitable, considering that I am looking for someone inferior to me, who does not even have half of my qualities.



– Although thinking about it, I'm sure that if Kaden finds out about my intentions with him, the guy would run away to the other side of the world or try to kill me to protect his ass, since that guy has always said that anyone is free to be interested in whatever they want, as long as it's not their ass, and I don't think he'd react very well, since if I tried to court him, that would surely be my goal.




But I really don't think I'm very suitable for long-term relationships, what's really important is that even though I'm one of the best at my job and my skills guarantee that it will be a very difficult or almost impossible task to finish me off.



However, the reality is that in this line of work the odds of dying never quite reach zero, and it's something that always seems to be just a step away, unless you're someone special it's very likely that death is something that will eventually happen, with only luck dictating who will live to the end without having to pay for their actions, whether it be through a run-in with another organization, a pull, or by me becoming a bargaining chip or scapegoat.






Anyway, while I was reflecting on my bad luck in love, I finally ended up getting organized and dressed properly.



Looking in the mirror, my always attractive appearance is once again dressed in a formal suit, dark blue, almost black, behind which hides a monster dressed in velvet, a suit that for years has been something like my work uniform.



And although I don't usually wear it, since I prefer my casual clothes, which I consider to be much more comfortable and less suspicious, because yes, any idiot would understand that it is definitely suspicious for a semi-unemployed guy to wander around certain streets for a long time while wearing a suit that at first glance looks like something excessively expensive.



But this time it is necessary to use it because I must be presentable, because I have to present myself to the boss, who is probably calling me to give me some private orders or as a kind of power play, in which he intends to see if I am still loyal and still have the necessary drive to continue working and progressing in the organization.



— …





As I stand in front of the gate, I wait silently for permission to enter, right in front of the guards who seem to have been standing in front of these gates since the day began, just standing there still like immovable statues.



— …



After a couple of minutes, I saw a guy in a black suit with an indifferent expression open the door and look me up and down as if he was evaluating me before saying.



— I guess you are Three, you can follow the boss is ready to talk to you.



At his words, I don't say anything and simply nod as I walk with a firm step and enter the boss's office.



A place that turns out to be quite spacious, which has a classic look, full of bookshelves with books of which the owner surely only read a couple of them, with decorations and furniture that seem to belong to the last century, something that seems quite discordant in a mansion that turns out to be incredibly modern with automated systems in every place that could be made.



But this study seems to be the only discordant stain on a canvas that seems like a clean and orderly work of art.



And in the center of this incongruous environment, there was a robust man sitting at an antique desk, with a straight posture as if he had a rod in his back keeping his cough straight, his brown hair kept tidy without a strand out of place, and his cold, gray eyes observing me closely as if he were trying to see my thoughts based on my actions.



Muso, an intimidating man capable of seeming like an immovable mountain just by being in a room, who after looking at me out of the corner of his eye while he had some papers that I suppose were important in front of him, although I don't know if he was really reviewing them or just pretending to do so while evaluating me.



– Three, it's a pleasure to have you back, go ahead and sit down, we have a lot of things we need to talk about.



I'd like to say that based on his words he was happy to have me back, but the truth is that his tone of voice was devoid of any form of emotion and the only thing that could be highlighted from his words was his formality, to the point that I can say that I have heard more joy from someone with a gun pointed at his head than I just heard from the boss's voice.



But I'm not really here to meet a friend or someone who should be happy to see me, this should be considered a formal meeting, with someone too busy to bother with the hypocritical cordiality that is usually expected when you meet a superior at work, so the lack of cordiality and emotion is not really a problem just something I think is worth mentioning.



Well, I remember that in the past he wasn't like this, because although he had his imposing attitude and his stoic personality, he wasn't as cold, calculating and indifferent as he seems now, but it's something that I found out about when he started this little power game to test my obedience and the way he started evaluating me when I arrived, as if he was looking for signs of betrayal or insubordination, as if he had encountered those kinds of signs many times during this last year, to the point that now he seems to be distrusting those people he chose as his confidants in the past.



— Sir…. What do you need me to do?



As I sit I wonder, the reason why he ordered me to come to this place, if they were normal orders he could have called me, sent a messenger, or used even a messenger for more privacy, but since he asked me to come see him in person, it means that we need to talk about something personal or something that no third party should find out about, and since he is behaving in such a formal and rigid manner I doubt he wants to talk about personal matters.


This means I can only be here for a couple of reasons, to receive information that others don't need to know, to receive orders that go against established norms in the underworld, to simply take care of someone who might be a traitor or someone who is no longer useful to the organization.



But I really don't have to waste energy thinking about my reasons for being here, because, from Muso's almost imperceptible body language, which although he tries to hide it shows a certain impatience and haste, I can tell that he is about to tell me that he needs me without beating around the bush as people in his position usually do.




– Three, you of all people should know that I would like to update you on the general situation while you were gone.



And just when I thought I'd give up on unnecessary, hypocritical politeness, this guy decides to beat around the bush, which means he's going to ask me to do something either hard or horrible, and I'm willing to bet it's the latter.



– because the information you received on your phone from prison could not show what the situation was.



If so many turns in such a quiet and serious guy tell me that I will not enjoy what I will have to do because from the beginning I knew that there is no option to reject, although they say they are requests or favors



Because as we both know, it is necessary to maintain a certain image when the situation is precarious.



So this makes it simpler, I will have to do something that breaks the code, something that will surely go against the same rules that he sets.



Let's just hope the boss has a good memory and isn't planning on using me as a disposable tool or a scapegoat.



– and since we both hate beating around the bush, I'm sure you'll want to hear quickly what I need from you.



Honestly, at this point, I think I'm the only one in this room who hates beating around the bush because ever since I arrived you've been doing things to waste time, like letting me stand for a while evaluating me while you looked at your papers and giving me this whole talk that could have been summed up as what do I have to do and who, straight to the point, without this stupid farce.



– You know that for about 3 years we have been in conflict with the Entrati, and to be honest, although it seems that we are winning, our situation is not the best, and those wretches refuse to retreat despite losing the war.



Then I will have to break the rules.



– which is why I need your services again, I need you to deal them a blow, one big enough so that they have to withdraw from this confrontation so that we can recover from this conflict and take advantage of what we have gained.



I don't specify what I should do, so I assume that on this occasion I can do whatever is necessary to ensure the withdrawal of the Entrati.



– Understood, sir, and it may just be a formality, but, this is a task where I can use any resources at my disposal that will allow me to complete the task, right?



I just have to ask this for self-protection, so if he later decides he wants to throw me under the bus so I can take all the blame, I can justify myself with this.



Well, with that I stand up, nod to the boss, and prepare to leave to begin this improvised mission.



- Three…



But when I finally have my hand on the doorknob, I hear a voice I haven't heard in years, although they are supposed to be the same person, it's been a long time since I heard this voice, one that is not tainted by distrust and betrayal, the voice of someone who has not yet abandoned their principles in favor of their goals.



But I know, I know clearly that he is not the same person, he is just allowing himself a moment of weakness, a simple moment of human stupidity which will have no consequences.



– Our pact is still standing, right?



I know he is definitely not the man I once knew, both his posture and words exuded confidence, but now he seems to be submerged in doubt because the Muso I met when I joined this world would never have said words that made him seem so weak.



But it is not my place to criticize him, because I do not know what has happened in my absence at this time, I just need to calm his doubts.



– As long as you do not abandon your or your part of the pact, I will not abandon mine.



This may not sound very reassuring, but it's what he wants to hear, no false fervor or exaggerated loyalty, he just needs a simple reminder of what brought us together and why I would never be willing to betray him unless he does it first.



With those words, I leave as the studio door closes behind me.