Chapter 15: The Prideful Hex

Once the battle ended Nicole realised the amount of pain she caused she stood and used her Reconstruction magic to heal kamiya,jade and shiki. Once they recovered Nicole took a bow and said "I am sorry for all the pain and trouble I have caused you all" jade laughed and forgave Nicole and said "don't worry about it just don't cause so much trouble next time". Nicole stood up and smiled at the three of them and said "I won't I promised". Back in the medical room nova got out of her bed and stripped down naked and then opened up a Wardrobe and pulled out a black and white kimono. She put on the kimono and looked into the mirror and said "it looks like you won't be in control soon the Despair has consumed you nova". Her eyes had a Spiral patten in them before she broke the window and jumped through it. Jade said "we should go rest up Nicole your welcome to come with us" Nicole agreed but when they was walking up the stairs the saw nova stand there with black hair and red eyes in a kimono. Kamiya said " nova your woke when did you wake up" she said this in a worrying and confusing tone but then. Nova said "nova isn't here anymore my name is Seilah don't forget that" her voice had a soft and aggressive tone to it. Kamiya went to touch nova shoulder but a red magic wrapped around kamiya handing and kamiya said "what is this magic" nova through kamiya' into the floor and blasted shiki,Nicole and jade to the floor nova walked towards the woods and before heading deep inside the woods she said "run far away from me". Seilah walked between the woods bending the trees behind her with her red magic. Kamiya said "what happened to nova she sounded and acted completely different" jade said "we will worry about that later we need to rest up before we encounter her again" everyone agreed and headed back into the temple